not tested if (strpos($SERVER_SOFTWARE, "Win32")) { $myself= $PATH_TRANSLATED; $myself2 = $PATH_INFO; } // Number of fields to be displayed simultaneously. // To display everything, set $display_step to 0. $display_step = 20; // Beginning of the data to be displayed, default = 1 if ($display_begin=="") { $display_begin = 1; } // Aspect of the script : Colors // Choosing colors /* // Standard (Greys, bright background) $color_white = "\"#FFFFFF\""; $color_black = "\"#000000\""; $color_heads = "\"#666666\""; $color_body1 = "\"#EEEEEE\""; $color_body2 = "\"#DDDDDD\""; */ // The Following is the ATILLA-type based model $color_white = "\"#FFFFFF\""; $color_black = "\"#000000\""; $color_heads = "\"#42426F\""; $color_body1 = "\"#FFF8DC\""; $color_body2 = "\"#EFE8CC\""; // Data submission form colors $formheadcolor = $color_heads; $formbodycolor = $color_body1; $formtailcolor = $color_body2; $formheadtext = $color_white; $formbodytext = $color_black; // Guestbook entries colors $entryheadcolor = $color_heads; $entrybodycolor1 = $color_body2; $entrybodycolor2 = $color_body1; $entryheadtext = $color_white; $entrybodytext1 = $color_black; $entrybodytext2 = $color_heads; // Messages colors $adminheadcolor = $color_heads; $adminheadtext = $color_white; $adminbodycolor1 = $color_body2; $adminbodytext1 = $color_black; $adminbodycolor2 = $color_body1; $adminbodytext2 = $color_heads; // Self regeneration of the script (The Rémi's ultime bricolage !) $extension=substr($myself, strrpos($myself, ".")+1); if (strpos($myself, "_temporary")!=false) { $thename=substr($myself, 0, strrpos($myself, "_temporary")); $thename2=substr($myself2, 0, strrpos($myself2, "_temporary")); $mainscript="${thename}.$extension"; $mainscript2="${thename2}.$extension"; $tempscript="${thename}_temporary.$extension"; $tempscript2="${thename2}_temporary.$extension"; if (!strpos($SERVER_SOFTWARE, "Win32")) unlink($mainscript); copy($tempscript,$mainscript); chmod( "$mainscript", 0666 ); // Diabolic ! // deleting the inuse file if (!strpos($SERVER_SOFTWARE, "Win32")) unlink("${thename}_inuse.$extension"); header("Location: $BASEURL$mainscript2"); exit; } $thename=substr($myself, 0, strrpos($myself, ".")); $thename2=substr($myself2, 0, strrpos($myself2, ".")); $mainscript="${thename}.$extension"; $mainscript2="${thename2}.$extension"; $tempscript="${thename}_temporary.$extension"; $tempscript2="${thename2}_temporary.$extension"; if (file_exists($tempscript) && !file_exists("${thename}_inuse.$extension")) { if (filemtime($tempscript)>filemtime($mainscript)) { header("Location: $BASEURL$tempscript2"); exit; } else if (!strpos($SERVER_SOFTWARE, "Win32")) { unlink($tempscript); } } //****************************************************************************** // This place is where all the data are archived, before being used by the // miscellaneous cases. $index = 0; // Here are automatically filled data arrays : //#DATABEGIN $archive_name[++$index] = "G3"; $archive_mail[ $index] = ""; $archive_date[ $index] = "12th May 2005 - 09:48:52 AM"; $archive_text[ $index] = "About damn time that your site was back up. ;)"; $archive_name[++$index] = "Micromommy"; $archive_mail[ $index] = ""; $archive_date[ $index] = "12th May 2005 - 05:08:11 AM"; $archive_text[ $index] = "Things that make you go \"hmmmmm\"
You're amazing!"; $archive_name[++$index] = "bill"; $archive_mail[ $index] = ""; $archive_date[ $index] = "12th May 2005 - 02:04:59 AM"; $archive_text[ $index] = "OMG LOLZ U R BACK UP ROFL ROFL ROFL"; $archive_name[++$index] = "xpurple"; $archive_mail[ $index] = "none"; $archive_date[ $index] = "12th May 2005 - 01:22:31 AM"; $archive_text[ $index] = "Laura Conroy is *hot*"; $archive_name[++$index] = "xpurple"; $archive_mail[ $index] = ""; $archive_date[ $index] = "23rd October 2000 - 03:24:15 AM"; $archive_text[ $index] = "yes, seems to work fine now"; $archive_name[++$index] = "arier"; $archive_mail[ $index] = ""; $archive_date[ $index] = "23rd October 2000 - 03:03:24 AM"; $archive_text[ $index] = "is this thing on?"; $archive_name[++$index] = "xpurple"; $archive_mail[ $index] = ""; $archive_date[ $index] = "23rd October 2000 - 03:00:47 AM"; $archive_text[ $index] = "test"; //#DATAEND // From now, $index will indicate the number of data entries. //****************************************************************************** // function displayform : Display the form which enables the client to type a // message. function displayform() { global $mainscript2; $borderthickness = 3; global $formheadcolor; global $formbodycolor; global $formtailcolor; global $formheadtext; global $formbodytext; // Writing HTML Code echo ("

"); echo (""); echo (""); echo (""); echo (""); echo (""); echo (""); echo (""); echo ("

"); echo ("
"); echo ("
\n"); echo ("
\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("
Name : E-mail :
\n"); echo ("Message :
\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("
\n"); echo (""); echo ("
\n"); echo ("
\n"); echo ("
\n"); } //****************************************************************************** // function displayerror displays the $errormessage error message. function displayerror($errormessage,$msgtype) { global $adminheadcolor; global $adminheadtext; global $adminbodycolor1; global $adminbodytext1; global $adminbodycolor2; global $adminbodytext2; displayheader(); echo ("
"); echo ("
"); echo ("  BIG SAM Guestbook
"); echo ("
"); if ($msgtype=="1") // Admin Message echo ("  Administrator Error"); if ($msgtype=="2") // System Message echo ("  System Error"); echo (""); echo ("
"); echo (""); echo ("

"); echo ("


\n"); echo ("
"); displayfooter(); exit; } //****************************************************************************** // function displayheader and displayfooter displays the header/footer for your page function displayheader() { global $version; echo ("\n"); // You migh use and include instead of all this : // include (""); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); } function displayfooter() { echo (""); } //****************************************************************************** // function standardize_text filters ambiguous chains in $str function standardize_text($str) { $str = str_replace("<", "<", $str); $str = str_replace(">", ">", $str); $str = strip_tags($str); $str = str_replace("\'", "'", $str); $str = str_replace("$", "$", $str); $str = str_replace("\r\n", "
", $str); return $str; } //****************************************************************************** if ($admin=="") { if ($name=="" || $message=="") { displayheader(); // Use Case no 1-A // This case is encountered when a client simply wants to add a message to the // guestbook. (Every variable is empty); // Displays the entry form to enable the client to type a message. displayform(); echo ("


\n"); // Message arrays are displayed here : echo "
\n"; // Displaying all the entries. if ($display_step==0) { $display_begin=1; $display_step=$index; } for ($i=$display_begin ; ($i<=($display_begin+$display_step-1)&&($i<=$index)) ; $i++) { $msgnumber = $index - $i + 1; echo ("
"); echo ("    $archive_date[$i]    "); echo ("
"); echo (""); if ($archive_mail[$i]!="") { echo ("$msgnumber : $archive_name[$i]"); } else { echo ("$msgnumber : $archive_name[$i]"); } echo (""); echo ("
"); echo (""); echo ("$archive_text[$i]"); echo ("

\n"); } echo ("


\n"); $nextindex = $display_begin + $display_step; $previndex = $display_begin - $display_step; $prevEnd = $index - $previndex + 1; $prevBegin = $index - $previndex - $display_step +2; $nextEnd = $index - $nextindex + 1; $nextBegin = $index - $nextindex - $display_step +2; if ($nextBegin<1) $nextBegin = 1; if ($nextindex<$index) echo ("[$nextBegin-$nextEnd]\n"); if ($previndex>0) echo ("[$prevBegin-$prevEnd]\n"); echo "
\n"; displayfooter(); exit; //****************************************************************************** } else { // Use Case no 1-B // Case is encountered when a client has just filled in the appropriate fields // (name, mail, message). // $name = "Some Name" // $email = "Some@Email" // $message = "Some Message" // Simply add message in the top of all previous messages. // to do : adding message to this file, then redirecting to myself // If the inuse file exists, someone else is modifying this guestbook // You can't continue unless it's in use for more than 5 sec if (file_exists("${thename}_inuse.$extension")) { if (time()Please try again...",2); } else if (!strpos($SERVER_SOFTWARE, "Win32")) { unlink("${thename}_inuse.$extension"); if (file_exists($tempscript)) unlink($tempscript); } } $fout = fopen("${thename}_inuse.$extension", "w");fclose($fout); $fin = fopen($mainscript, "r"); $fout = fopen($tempscript, "w"); if ($fout<0 || $fin<0) { displayerror("Error opening files !
Be sure writing is allowed in this directory.",2); } $line = ""; for($i=1 ; $i<100000 && strpos($line, "#DATABEGIN")==false ; $i++) { $line=fgets($fin, 10000); fputs($fout, $line); } $insert_msgdate = date( "dS F Y - h:i:s A" ); $name=standardize_text($name); $email=standardize_text($email); $message=standardize_text($message); fputs ($fout,"\$archive_name[++\$index] = \"$name\";\n"); fputs ($fout,"\$archive_mail[ \$index] = \"$email\";\n"); fputs ($fout,"\$archive_date[ \$index] = \"$insert_msgdate\";\n"); fputs ($fout,"\$archive_text[ \$index] = \"$message\";\n"); for($i=1 ; $i<10000 && !feof($fin) ; $i++) { $line=fgets($fin, 10000); fputs($fout, $line); } fclose($fin); fclose($fout); header("Location: $BASEURL$tempscript2"); exit; //****************************************************************************** }} else { if ($admin==$adminpassword) { if ($command=="") { displayheader(); // Use Case no 2-A // Admin mode (The administrator can modify password, fields, or remove // messages). // $admin = $adminpassword // Shows a password modification form. // Shows all messages and enables to modify/delete them. echo("


Guestbook Administration

\n"); echo("
\n"); // Display the form which enables the admin to change his password echo ("
\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("
\n"); echo (" Change Big Sam Password.
"); echo ("  New Password :"); echo (" 
"); echo ("  Retype new Password :"); echo (" 
\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("
\n"); echo("

\n"); // Message arrays are displayed here in forms in order to modify them : echo ("
\n"); for ($i=1 ; $i<=$index ; $i++) { $str = str_replace("
", "\r\n", $archive_text[$i]); $msgnumber = $index - $i + 1; echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n
\n"); echo (" "); echo ("Entry #$msgnumber. 
\n"); } echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("\n"); echo ("
\n"); displayfooter(); exit; //****************************************************************************** } else if ($command=="passwd") { // Use Case no 2-B // Admin mode (The administrator is modifying his password.). // $admin = $adminpassword // $newpassword1 = "New Password 1" // $newpassword2 = "New Password 2" // Check if $newpassword1 matches $newpassword2 // Set the $adminpassword line to : // $adminpassword = "$newpassword1" if($newpassword1!=$newpassword2) { // The passwords doesn't match displayerror("The new passwords don't match !",1); } else { // If the inuse file exists, someone else is modifying this guestbook // You can't continue if (file_exists("${thename}_inuse.$extension")) displayerror("This GuestBook is in use !
Please try again...",2); $fout = fopen("${thename}_inuse.$extension", "w");fclose($fout); $fin = fopen($mainscript, "r"); $fout = fopen($tempscript, "w"); if ($fout<0 || $fin<0) { displayerror("Error opening files !
Be sure writing is allowed in this directory.",2); } $line = ""; for($i=1 ; $i<10000 && !feof($fin); $i++) { $line=fgets($fin, 10000); // Seek the "$adminpassword =" line if ((substr($line, 0, 16)=="\$adminpassword =")||(substr($line, 0, 15)=="\$adminpassword=")) { // Replace by the new password $newpassword1 = standardize_text($newpassword1); fputs ($fout,"\$adminpassword = \"$newpassword1\";\n"); } else { fputs($fout, $line); } } fclose($fin); fclose($fout); header("Location: $BASEURL$tempscript2"); exit; } //****************************************************************************** } else if ($command=="modify") { // Use Case no 2-C // Admin mode (The administrator is updating entries). // $admin = $adminpassword // $nameXXX = "Modified name (no XXX)" // $emailXXX = "Modified email (no XXX)" // $messageXXX = "Modified message (no XXX)" // $keep = "on" or "" // Check if $admin matches $adminpassword. // Rewrites ALL the fields except when $keepXXX = "" // If the inuse file exists, someone else is modifying this guestbook // You can't continue if (file_exists("${thename}_inuse.$extension")) displayerror("This GuestBook is in use !
Please try again...",2); $fout = fopen("${thename}_inuse.$extension", "w");fclose($fout); $fin = fopen($mainscript, "r"); $fout = fopen($tempscript, "w"); if ($fout<0 || $fin<0) { displayerror("Error opening files !
Be sure writing is allowed in this directory.",2); } // Writes all the script lines until "#DATABEGIN" $line = ""; for($i=1 ; $i<100000 && strpos($line, "#DATABEGIN")==false ; $i++) { $line=fgets($fin, 10000); fputs($fout, $line); } for ($i=1 ; $i<=$index ; $i++) { // Get values from the form, and standardize them $variable="name$i"; $name=standardize_text("${$variable}"); $variable="email$i"; $email=standardize_text("${$variable}"); $variable="date$i"; $insert_msgdate=standardize_text("${$variable}"); $variable="message$i"; $message=standardize_text("${$variable}"); $variable="keep$i"; if (${$variable}!="") { fputs ($fout,"\$archive_name[++\$index] = \"$name\";\n"); fputs ($fout,"\$archive_mail[ \$index] = \"$email\";\n"); fputs ($fout,"\$archive_date[ \$index] = \"$insert_msgdate\";\n"); fputs ($fout,"\$archive_text[ \$index] = \"$message\";\n"); } } // Seeks for the "#DATAEND" line, and skips all the data $line = ""; for($i=1 ; $i<1000 && strpos($line, "#DATAEND")==false ; $i++) { $line=fgets($fin, 10000); } fputs($fout, $line); // Writes the rest of the script for($i=1 ; $i<10000 && !feof($fin) ; $i++) { $line=fgets($fin, 10000); fputs($fout, $line); } fclose($fin); fclose($fout); header("Location: $BASEURL$tempscript2"); exit; } //****************************************************************************** } else { // Use Case no 2-Z // If $admin does NOT match $adminpassword. // $admin != $adminpassword // Error message : "Wrong Admin Password" displayerror("Wrong Admin Password",1); }} //****************************************************************************** ?>