Nobody cares, nobody listens. I just bought some very expensive stickers. 32.50$ for two stupid stickers. The .gov's prices are way to inflated. Hmm, and they don't even look remotely cool either. Fuck that shit. Why do I put stupid looking, and expensive stickers on my truck? Because the man says so. Who is the man? I've never met him. Just some of his little friends, barely toilet trained. They do everything in thier power to bother me. Why!? As if someone gave them the right to go through my things. What's up with that? I only let them do these things because they have guns, and I don't. If I don't buy these stickers they may decide to fuck me up the ass with a plunger. Maby worse. I don't even want to think about it. But, alas what is one to do? We have no voices anymore. This country is supposto let everyone have a voice. That is a lie! Only the ones in power have any voice. Why are they in power? Being rich helps, as does being related to someone else in power. The average joe has no voice. NONE! Why do we let this contune? Simple, they have guns, and are you going to argue with someone who has a colt .45 shoved up your nose? Didn't think so.

Due to being hungry, I stoped in this little resturant in wilber. Yes, wilber. A fucking inbreed filled town. This resturant is no diffrent, you can see it in thier faces. The genetic deformitys are baltently obvious. How can one miss this sort of thing? The real question though... How can they allow themselves to live?