Day 2

I did over six months of backlog in about 8 hours. I rock. Course, I also don't see how it got backlogged that far. The prior webmaster must have been realy lazy about it. Well, actualy more than 8 hours, since I worked past when I got off. But that's ok. I have little to do at home anyway. mikeb doesn't want me to work off the clock, but why? The diffrence between work, and play is highly squed in this job.

It was slow today, well, reasonably. Less than 100 calls by the time I actualy decided to leave. I've seen worse, but this was just annoying. Busy enough I couldn't just zone out, and do HTML. But slow enough where it was kina annoying. Thier is a certan point of busy where you realy can't do anything else but answer phones. Yet you have pleanty of time to do so. Just not big enough slices in between.

It forced me to rethink a lot of things. Start on some HTML, get a call, and have to figure out where I was again after the call. Yarg! Quite annoying.

CRT Monitors

I realized today why I like my notebook, or at least another reason. It has an LCD display. Not as harsh as a the CRT (CathRoadTube) of a real monitor. A CRT is so harsh on the eyes. Even though we have realy nice monitors, they are still very hard on the eyes. It's caused me to get a bit of a headache, and not see straght. Hmm, course maby that has something to do with my color scheme? Nahh...


I think I'm starting to overeat again. Heh, maby I'll actualy reach 100lbs! Six tacos for lunch today, six hamburgers for lunch a couple days ago. You name it, I eat major quanity. Heh, a drastic diffrence from how I eat at home. Raman for breckfast, raman for lunch, and raman for dinner. LOL! But it makes me happy, gives me something to chew on.

On that note, I've been spending a bit more than 30 min on lunch. But I think that's cool since I still answer phones while eating. No big deal.

Not much else to say in this issue, other than make shure to visit Lincon Online and tell me what you think. I put hella work into it today, lots of love. But the next kina slow day we have I'm gonna put in even more love, and hard work. I'm thinking about totaly redoing the graphics. I personaly think they suck right now.

The downside to that, is that we have shit for graphic tools at work, so I'll have to work off my notebook to do that. Unless of course sweaver would be cool enough to install GIMP. Hehe!

Well, I'm off after this smoke, take care, and until next time. Same bat time, same bat place!