It's finaly happend, the guys at work have gotten to me. I can now use vi pretty well. It's simple, and easy to use...after you get usto it. Not to mention that it runs a lot faster on my notebook ;)

It even seems to handle lines longer than 80 charecters pretty well. Ironicly, I'm actualy using vim, since adam mentioned it was better. Hmm, better? I can't realy tell. I have nothing to compare it with...since I've deleted normal vi off all my computers. I usto realy hate it, now...I dunno...I wonder if I'll switch to using vim instead of emacs.

Vi vs. emacs. One of the biggest holy wars that exists. At least in the unix community. This experience just reinforces my belief that it's all the same shit...just looks a bit diffrent.

This all came about because of the way tcsh is setup for staff. With vi edditing commands when you go through the history. It was a major bitch to deal with the first few days, but now that I've got the hang of it...I don't know if I'd want to go back.

The time is 2218, and I'm currently at the highway diner in lincon. Had an install in a little town near omaha today. It went pretty well...other than the girls computer being messed up. I had to resolve several extention conflicts to make it boot right after installing open transport.

A nice machine otherwise, I'd love to have it. 200mhz PPC...yah baby! Plus her monitor. 19" or something like that. Too bad she was only running at 640x480 on it :)

then we come to the issue of the way people setup thier computers. This girl had hers setup in a rather bad way. You had to keep your head way over to the left to be able to see the monitor properly. Her mouse on the far right of the keyboard. It was not fun to use it like that.

According to apple, you should have your monitor directly in front of you, the top of it about 2 inches above the eyes. Keyboard directly in front, and the mouse just to the right or left (for southpaws). Any deviation from this tends to cause great discomfort, and un-nessasary strain. Thusly makeing your computing experience less enjoyable.

Thier are a lot of attractive people here tonnite, mostly college students I assume. Much diffrent from the norm. This place is ususaly full of total freaks of nature (like myself). Hehe, actualy today I'm quite presentable.

Somebody in the kitchen just broke something. Or, that's what it sounded like. First comes a loud, angry scream. Then a sudden smashing sound. It certanly got the attention of most everybody who's in here at the moment.

An amusing story was just told. About a girl who was standing behind the counter at work. It's a busy day, but nobody's waiting for help. An amazing stroke of luck. Suddenly for no apparent reason she pees her pants. No warning at all, not even realizing that the need was present. The warm liquid runs down both legs till it reaches the floor. Totaly embaresed by this, she just stands thier as if nothing happend. Trying to hide it. She asks the next person to come up to the counter to get her boyfriend, who happens to be on the other side of the room. Her boyfriend comes over, she quietly explains what happend. They go outside, and get into his car. After the short drive to her house, just after stepping out of the car he lets louse. You can see it running down his left pant leg, onto his shoe. With a slight laugh, he says "Now you don't have to feel so bad." They crack up laughing madly.

Oh, the things you hear if only you listen. The storys I could tell. Storys that I was never realy supposto hear. Or, what happens on a pretty regular basis also...the story a person tells by the way they dress, how they act, and what they do. It's wonderfull, I highly recomend it.

Just grab a notebook (paper, or computer), and find a nice busy resturant you can loiter in for a few hours. Write down anything that peaks your intrest. Amuzing storys, jokes, or antidotes. You'll kick yourself for not doing it sooner. Just be prepared to realy listen. At first, don't focus on any specific conversation at once. Try to take them all in at the same time. Only using focus when something realy good comes up. This is one of the best ways to spend an evening.

Leaving will be required before long. Danmit, I'd just love to stay here all night. Hmm, I wonder how well I'd perform at work tommorow if I just didn't sleep, and just hung out here? I'm not shure. I'd have pleanty of caffene in my system by 1000 ;) And, I'm pretty much dressed for work. It would also save me like 10$ in gas. Tempting, oh so tempting. But, I'd be dead by morning. I'm realy not properly prepared for morning anyway. I need to have some mac software with me for an install (part 2) after work. Course, as long as I get a couple hours of sleep, I'll be ok. Not like I've never done it before.

When I usto lump (unload trucks) for a living (psydo), I'd stay up for days on end. Quite often a week at a time. Course that was all done with the help of various over the counter drugs. Drugs not used for the intended purpose. Knowing the effects of the ingredients of a drug can make it even more usefull :)

Oh, I just remembered. The girl who's internet I setup today...when I was walking her through how to use it she did something quite funny. "Ok, now click on the apple"

"Do I right click, or left click?"

"Madam, thier is only one button on an apple mouse"

"Oh yah, this is so much diffrent from the ones we use at work"

"Yes, it's a Macintosh ;)"

Not very many people have macs anymore. Rather sad. The user interface is still years ahead of anything microsoft has ever come up with. Heh, windows95+ is just a cheap ripoff. No innovation there. Microsoft has never once created anything new. They just look at what everybody else is doing, and copy it...badly. Prime example. WinCE (pronounced like what you do after skinning you knee). USrobotics did it first, they did it right. Then microsoft deides to make a version of windows that runs on similar devices. They even add many features the Pilot lacks. Color, sound, and removeable storage. While these are all great's just too much.

WinCE device batterys don't last long, they are cumbersome to use, and tend to be pretty unstable. Heh, my pilots not rebooted in about two months now :) Palm got it right by keeping all these nice, but not that realy usefull functions out of the design. Only recently did they add color. They also waited till they could do it without makeing it too heavy, or shorten the battery life much. One of the great follys many desings fall to. The creators are way ahead of thier time. And the device just doesn't work right. If they had waited a few years for technoligy to catch up...they would have killer products.

Case in point was this huge aircraft built somewhere in germany. It was just too big. No engine could properly power it. Had they waited about 2 years...powerfull enough engines would have existed. This plane took like 9 months to fly from london to NY. Granted it took a detour to africa, and south america... But on the way back, it still took nine days to fly from NY to london. LOL, we can do that now in a matter of hours.

Ahh, one final smoke, then I return home.

Sex, drugs, and rock and roll...the best part is rock and roll :)