I picked up a USB CD burner today, should prove to be interesting. Other than that it will let me free up some space on my quite full HDs. Gesh, 3.2 gigs just doesn't cut it anymore! It's a 4x4 Iomega USB burner. Quality, and came with "Toast", a program I've heard good reviews over.

Too bad it requires an evil hunk to operate, oh well. Maby I'll upgrade my 7300/200 to USB soon. LOL. Oh, Pern_26 sent me the 'Rainbow brite' techno remix. Very kick ass if I may say so.

I have to be to work in 50 min, hmm. Annoying, not much to do till then. Heh, I'm about 10 min from there right now. So, loiter here for a little longer, listen to 'Rainbow brite' a couple of times.

Some very nice old lady just droped her glass, it made a very loud sound as it crashed to the tile floor. All of the pieces are tiny. They make them to break like this so you don't just smash it onto a table then have a large chunk of glass remaining. The kidn of thing that you could use to tear a person open with. This is mostly a problem in bars, but I'm sure that it could happen here. I mean, this is starbucks. Nasty place.

Rainbow brite, see the shining light. I'm gonna take you to rainbow brite!

Too bad I can't smoke here...

Well, I could, but they would just kick me out. So I might as well not. What is wrong with the world? Don't they realize that the chemicals they use to clean with are far more harmfull?...

More coffee! I'm going to be extra hyper when I get to work ;) adamw says its been super busy, just like yesterday. I'm going to need to be hyper as fuck to keep up. Yesterday sucked. You can't even imagine how hardcore it sucked. Over 300 loged calls (mind you that when call traffic is really high, you miss logging some). 50 new users, and about the same in callbacks. Lets average that to 500 times the phone rang. FUCK! You can't even begin to imagine that. Don't even try, you will never understand untill you have lived it.

Oh, and we had souix city go down. Fucking portmaster just stoped takeing calls. I hate that portmaster, it needs to be ramed up the ass with a 2x4. It won't listen to me, and does dumb things. But this really sucked, 8 hours downtime. I called up the pop operator who is supposo deal with it, told him 'sup with it. He said he'd take care of it. Fuck no, that didn't happen. So, in the end I get fucking reamed for it. Yesh! I'd be happy to drive out there to fix it. Hmm, souix city, if you don't get lost there, you are a god. The only reason anybody even lives there, is that they where driving through, and happend to get lost. Then could never find thier way out. Thustly 90% of the population there just drive around aimlessly from fast food joints, to hotels.

I don't have much more to say about that. Oh, you want anything burnt, sure... Depending on who you are anyway. Ehehe!

Rainbow bright, see the shining light, I'm gonna take you to rainbow bright!

Shortly I depart, so later!