Today I upgraded vim. VIM - Vi IMproved 5.6 (2000 Jan 16, compiled Jun 3 2000 17:26:16) Actually, I compiled it a while back. But finally put it in /bin where it belongs. The main reason I hadn't upgraded yet, was due to low memory. This is no longer an issue.

I got my hostname at work changed to You like? I'm getting a bit of flack over it, but nothing major.

I just finished jumping some kids car. They were all depressed due to the car not wanting to start. No big deal, takes a couple min of my time and doesn't bother me. I'm glad to do the service.

#nebraska on effnet got foobar today. Somebody hijacked an account with oops, and ate all the @. Hehe. Oh well, no big deal. It just means that #nebraska2 will form till everybody leaves #nebraska. It's happened before.

One doesn't need a really fast internet connection to be powerful. It's all a matter of how you use it. Similar to the bit about it doesn't matter how big your dick is...

This is not nessasarly true. Some dicks just aren't worth bothering with. Not that I would know from experience, but I talk to girls a lot. At least online. Heh, online. The entirety of my social life :) I wouldn't know what to do with a girl in real life. Well, maby I'm not that bad, but dammed near.

It's cute how people will resort to silly games to find out what thier future will be like. Or, just to get thier questions answered. Ususaly thier metods are actualy a complex mathamatical equation preformed on something that's not so math like. Say, write a bunch of options on a sheet of paper, then take the number of letters in thier name. Move around that many times, and what you stop on you get. It realy tells nothing, but gives them a warm feeling inside. Lets them think that thier future is set in stone. It's not.

Your future is what you make of it. Nobody has more control of what you do that you. Thier are a few rare exceptions to this, but not many. They include people who are born blind, deaf, and paralized. That's basicly it. Even they can control thier future to some extent.

You, as a reasonably normal person can do anything. But, only if you can stack the cards right. That's easy enough. Look at me. I'm 21, practicly no college, and I work at a job I love. The pays nothing to get that excited over, but it keeps me comming back day after day. Or, should I say the benifits keep me comming back. I just can't turn down internet access that's so fast. It's like a drug.

If I don't get at least 15-20kps on a download, I just cancel, and get it from somewhere else. Sick, I know. Especialy since I only have a 14.4 modem at home. I usto be all about grabbing stuff at home. But now I don't even like to surf the web there. Too slow...cept with lynx. Heh, that's just because lynx kicks ass, and is killer fast. I mean, no stupid pictures to distract from the content. zgv can easily be used to view the pictures when needed.

For some odd reason, I can't get this notebook to do more than 320x400 8bpp. Odd, I'll work with that more.