Well, here is the transcript that you have waited for. The one I promised for you. Hmm, no. More of a story.

I wake up, check my email. Throw up, and then head off to beatrice. Pretty uneventfull. Eventualy I make it to the colection agency's office.

Walk in, and note that I have been asked to pay for something that I don't owe. I explain the circumstances to the idiot at the counter, and pay. She is very nervious, and calls for one of the managers.

It's the wormy guy that told me to never come back or he would call the police about a year ago. I don't think he knew who I was. So we go back into one of the offices, I sit down, and look him dead in the eye. Explain how things are, and ask him what he's going to do about it.

During this he's all kinds of jumpy. He's fingering a letter opener like it was a knife. Ke keeps fidgiting. I get the impression that nobody ever questions anything they say. Fuck that. I question anyone who's known to be wrong.

So, as it turns out, the bill was from well after they turned my service off. More than a month. Being as I was paying 25$ a month, I probably did owe half of it, but not 50$. I explained that this had to be cleared up.

He toyed with his files for a while, and decided that he was unable to do anything about it. I calmly explained how that simply was not good enough. It was required to be cleared up. I would accept nothing less. (I have high standards)

He has promised to call them and get it taken care of. He did not promise a refund, but that *will* be forthcoming. I will keep calling them until it is. I'm getting the refund that I deserve. No other way around it.

I shall call him monday to see if this has been taken care of as I so kindly asked him.

I'd like to note that this guy is a patetic weeking of an old man. I ponder what he was thinking while toying with the letter opener. Holding it as if I was about to hurt him at any moment. Haha, farthest thing from my mind. He's not worth all the trouble of killing.

Then I left there to get some coffee. The brickery is right across the street. Walk in, and it's closed. No, more than that. It's simply not there anymore. They have packed up, and sold out. Apparently this happend quite some time ago, and I forgot to notice.

No biggie, I discuss the matter with ken (the guy in the next store). Following that I head off to pay my insurance bill. I had till the 20th, so I'm all good on that.

On the way in, I run into someone I've not talked to in a long time. Great guy, but I can't remember his name. We chatted for longer than we should have :) Paid insurance, and headed to the music store.

From there I went to the rental units. The driveway was much better than I'd ever seen it. But it could have been done better. Still, they did a pretty good job considering.

I need to pump the septic tank soon, eventualy replace the roof, and put a new lid on the septic tank (it's quite rusted). Other than that things are well there.

On the way out of town, I wash my car. I've not done that in quite some time! Hah! It's now even more pretty ;) Oh, and I got the wipers fixed. Well, actualy a tube involved in pumping the wiper fluid onto the windscreen. Then I head to lincoln.

Running around best buy, drooling over things I either don't need, or can't afford I settle on getting the new NIN CD. Sure I could just get it off napster, but contrary to popular belief I do support bands that I like.

By this time it's almost 4:00. I had to go help some guy with his web based email client. It's a package called IMP, pretty standard. But it's got some annoying traits. Takes me ten min to explain how it works to him.

It was a simple matter of the send button showing up just below the edge of his screen, and him not knowing that it was there. I talked to him several days ago on the phone, and he was quite pissed about the whole situation. I calmed him down, and got him fixed. He's now quite happy.

From there I ran to the office to check my email (danmit, no fanmail, fucking send some!). But I had quite a bit of spam. (who would have guessed?) Not to mention about a hundred work related emails that appeared in my box in the couple hours I was off the network.

I spend about an hour grabing half a gig of stuff on the network. Well, not our network, but the server I put it on was close. Too bad I could only get 130kps max. Half a gig takes a while to transfer at that speed. Haha, what am I talking about? Most clients max out at 5kps (modems). I should feel special, or privleged to be able to transfer things at such speed.

Too bad I don't. I'm so usto it at this point that I take it for granted. You would too if in my position.

One of the owners questioned why so many people where there doing little. We have everything quite caught up, and no calls happend to be coming in. Not to mention that I wasn't on the clock, so if they where coming in, I wouldn't answer it.

My manager thinks I'm strange. Well, he's right. He ususaly is :) It seems that I'm the only guy who goes in there off the clock. Why not? I have dialup at home, and Lots of T1 lines at work. Where would you spend your time? Exactly.

After I'd used up the bandwith of about 30 DSL users I stoped at the coffee house. Still there, and now you are quite caught up with my day.

Don't I lead an interesting life? ;)