I'm here, the only guy in an iMac shirt. Hmm, the only person here with an iMac. As a note of intrest, there is a compact Mac sitting in the back room. Heh, old :) But it sure is cute!

Sitting in an old place today. A table that comes right up to my nipples. Heh, but I can see about half of the coffeeshop from here. A nice pertch.

In fifteen minuits, I need to walk up front so I can get my catch. The kid with the laptop that needs it's screen fixed. Oh, and his mum (he's 13). Also, as a note of intrest, it's IIgs's little brother (yes, IIgs like the Mac). Hehe, I have some pretty strange friends.

I've also been listening to this one song basicly non stop all day. Go! Go! by Namie Amuro. It's sweet, fast, and hard. Much like the rest of her work. Hmm, most of it anyway.

I've fallen in love with a singer who comes from another world. Her music is just so wonderfull, full of grace, and bueaty.

After this song I must move to the non smokeing section, by the door. Due to an age restriction being put uppon the back. Hmm, silly things.

Oh, I'm drinking tea today. Not as harsh as coffee, and may actualy help me to feel better. Heh, I'm currently doing about as good as brightsun's car. His car isn't doing very well.

I have no idea what's wrong with it :( It makes this sound like a machine gun when I drive it, and the idle isn't right. It just dies when I fully stop. Hmm, maby a plug is louse? I'll check on that later.

I got brighty's ram, he's going to be happy! He wanted a 64 meg chip, but due the the prices being so low I got him a 128. Hehe, it's going to make his laptop something to truely behold! Hmm, if it wasn't for that danm passive matrix screen.

What it lacks in screen, it more than makes up for in sound. He's got a sub woofer built right in! Danm, makes the speaker in my iBook sound like a cheap pizo.

Time to move...

Now I wait. This is one of those things I really don't enjoy. Heh, never really could get the hang of it. Hurry up and wait. That's how life goes sometimes. Turning the airport off should help my battery life. Heh, at least I can just turn it off.

Back to the topic of brighty's car. I hope it doesn't just up and die on me. That would be so bad. It's not even my car. Hmm, actualy that point is under dispute, but only slightly. I paid for it, and later gave it to him. But it was really supposto be a gift to him in the begining. The reasons behind the switches in ownership are rather complex :(

I'm enjoying my hot tea, Earl Grey. Just like Picard from Star Treck TNG orders every time. If he likes it, it has to be good :) Hmm, no. But it is good. Though, thier are times when I could really go for some green tea. This isn't one of them. I'm not nearly that tired yet.

I need to clean out my mailbox at work. Well over a thousand messages in it right now. That's just totaly insane! How is anybody supposto deal with that many messages?

Should be any time now...

The operation was not sucessfull. It was just fried aparently. Though, IMHO, thier is a pretty good chance that it was just a broken wire. The screen was literly cut in half. The top half being a solid colour, and the bottom half working just fine. Regardless of the screen mode. Hmm, but laptops don't deal with screen modes the same way CRT's do.

I'm totaly perplexed. Spent about an hour working with it, it was a total puzzle to take appart. Heh, but it did come appart finaly.

One thing that happend at the end. After I decided that it wasn't going to be fixed. I hate to fail, so I see no reason to charge when I fail. Hmm, but it ususaly works out that I get something. I hate doing it, getting some sort of benifiit for failure. But, the attempt is what matters.

I did the best I could.