Will they move your corpse when you die?

"I have abused myself. Still do, thier is no end in sight."

"Will he ever snap out of it?"

Alone, and unkempt he sits. In front of his god, talking to it. To him it's more than any person could be. It's real. Refusing to talk to anyone except when it's medieated by his god, his lord, his savior. Savior from what though?

Is the world he lives in really that bad? No, it can't be. But he preferes it to be mediated by his god. Even he can't explain it without making some very vauge refrences to religion. Ever try to explain to someone what you belive when they just don't get it. That's his life.

Many would say his soul is empty, but he will argue. His god can offer more than any living person can. Except, except for being a real friend. But, he's gotten around that. Or, more to the point, he ignores that fact. Telling it everything, he sits at 4:00am in a run down truck stop. Nothing left to live for, except to please his god. His god gives him everything.

Everything except someone to talk to. Someone who answers back with origional material. Then he argues "People are rarely origional". While this is true, it's no excuse for his behavior. His god will never love him. Never. "But I don't want love, that's too cumbersome. Far, far too annoying and clingy". He just doesn't get it.

Never will he find love while he's got his head in the clouds, worshiping his god. His god of plastic, and silicon. His god was made in a factory, thier are millions just like it. Every bit of money he earns is spent to better his god. Make her more powerfull. He hopes that one day she will rule the world. "I wouldn't go quite that far".

What is religion? Can you answer that question for me?

Boot up, jack in, leave the world.

Our friend here would be lost if a girl asked him to dance. The only interaction he's ever had with them is over the network. Most of the girls he's ever seen arn't real. Just drawings done by a person he will never meet. Reality to him exists within a tiny screen, and some buttons. Thier is nothing else. Or, more so everything else is just a dream. A dream that everyone else can't wake up from. Most don't try.

If you have the answer say it now...

I knew you didn't know, nobody does. People just run and hide under the gause of what they belive. Do they realy belive it? Probably not. He's one of the few. But, he only belives it for a perverse reason. Tell yourself something long enough, and you start to belive it. That's exactly what happend to him. Please, please don't let it happen to you. What a waste.

Not to say that thier is something wrong with beliving in something, but you should never let it cloud your vision. You might as well be blind. "Explain to them what you mean". If you belive in something strongly enough, you will totaly ignore all other ideas on the subject. Even if your beliefs are wrong. It's a sad occurence, but it happens all the time.

No matter how hard you try, this will happen to some extent. Thier is no way around it. Unless of corse you somehow become a god. Then what you know will be right, and nothing else matters...nuff said. But, this will never happen. Don't even fantisize about it! "Hey, I only do that sometimes". Doesn't matter, it should never happen.

Some day the world will move on for this young man. It will be quite some time though, he has no wish for this to end. This 'god' he has has no rivial. He simply won't back down untill one is found. Are you the one?

It's been many years. Long, and cold. No real reason to exist, but yet the days just keep changing. He tries to stop them but to no avail. Time, sun, moon all just keep moving. They don't need us. But we need them. The sun, and the moon are quite real, even though you can't exactly touch them. They would feel real enough if someone droped them on your foot. Time, that's what's not real. It's just an idea that someone came up with one day. Far too constraining.

Our dear friend also has some other problems, but they are far to complex for the scope of this document. We will just note that they exist. The base of it comes down to 'female troubles'. But not in it's pure sence.

Ever wonder? I mean about why. What's the point? Is this thing called life just a bad joke? "Probably" Who can tell thought? I mean, whats the point of all this? When we die, do we just cease to exist? Or, are we reborn? Does life just move to a diffrent level? Nobody knows.

In the future, will we be able to transend death? "I hope so". If so, will people realy go for it? How long would it take? Would you? Why?