Have you ever thought for a second in you life, even just as a passing thought, where is the content on the web? I have. I think about this all the time. Shure, thier are a lot of pages out there, I should know, I surf a lot. But, how many of these pages are well done, and actualy say something? Very rarely. Most pages are desninged to look pretty, and not much else. To look good was not the intention of the web. It was created as a medium to get information. How does putting pretty pictures help this? Most times it doesn't.

A webpage should be 100% contenet, and pictures sould be used sparingly, maby to brighten it up a bit, maby have a nice header picture... But, mostly graphics should be used primarly to illastrate a point. Nothing more, unless of course the page uses the pictures as content, say a wallpaper site. But other than that, thier is little use for pictures.

I consider pictuers to be annoying, I realy don't care what some guys girlfriend looks like, and I definitly don't want to see his dog. I don't care about such things. Now, I will sit down, and read storys about such things, but that's diffrent. Text is information, pictures are kina useless in the same sence.

A standard graphic take up a decent ammount of bandwith to load, causing the page to take a while to download. Thier is no need for this, any good page should load in about 10 seconds, with a 14.4 modem. Granted, that this doesn't leave much room for play, but if you want somebody to hang around your site, this is inportant...look at yahoo, They follow very well with what I'm saying, the site loads fast, works with any browser, and still looks good.

Another thing to think about, when desinging a webpage, not everyone can see your pictures. This may be because thier browser doesn't support them, or they simply have them turned off. So, inotherwords, you can't rely on pictures actualy being seen by anybody. So, when you do use them, put in alt-text. Very inportant...I happen to use lynx as my primary web browser, and quite frankly, it's a lot nicer, I can tell at a glance if I like a site or not, depending on how good it looks without pictures. Granted that I can choose to load them anyway, but only one at a time, so images that are broken up into several files look like shit to me. But, I rarely want to look at them anyway (aside from the fact that I have a greyscale screen). It saves me a lot of download time not having to see them. Plus, as an added bonus, I never actualy have to see adds. Unless I want to ;)

Ok, well that's enough for this rant, I'll go away now