I did many things today, far too many things. First off I wake up late for work. Fuck, hmm. No, I still had half an hour to get there, too bad it's an hour drive.

I get to work, then have to deal with screamers. I hate screamers, fucking babies. I'm talking to this one woman, she owes us money, says she cancled. I check throuh the records, as far as I can tell she never cancled. Oh, and she used it for about a month past when she said she cancled. Fucking liar!

After I told her how life is, she yelled at me. No, she was yelling before then. Bloody bitch. I wanted to drive to her house, sneak in through a window and kill her. Yep, but not just kill. There would have to be tourture involved, long and drawn out. She deserved it. Nobody yells at me!

That was only half the problem. After I told her how things are, she then said "NO, THIS IS THE WAY THEY ARE, I DON'T OWE YOU SHIT". So, I tactfully said, "No". Fucking cunt.

Needless to say, a bad start to an already imperfect day.

Hmm, I'm feeling a bit better now ;)

Some idle chat with donna, some fun with adam, and adam. The standard way to feel better about life. Oh, and some coffee. That's one of the big keys.

Not much else of intrest happend today. Oh, well if you count being woke up at 8:00am by my roomates (when I go to bed at 6:00). They are under the impression that since they are up, that I should be too. Argh! I work nights!

Oh well, shit happens.

I sit here shakeing my head, someone sat at my table. Bastard! I want to sneak into his house via a window, and kill him. Hmm, I don't think I'd ever do that though. I have that image go through my head every time someone does so much as cut me off in traffic.

These people exist for no reason other than annoying me. Pisses me off to no end. Hmm...

You know this really kills me for finding a mate. After I've decided that the rest of the population are total idiots what's left? Heh, not much. Makes me want to go out and get my balls cut off. That way I don't ever have to think about getting one ever again.

Speaking of idiots, I need to burn some christmas music for the car. It's about that time of year. Hehe, the good stuff :)

Oh my, they are now buying odd stickers. Lots of them. As if it where some sort of game. They only intrest me due to being very hard up. Yep, to the point that there are only two things that matter. Warm, and concave.

That's a good way to get into bad situations. Heh, so I won't, pain in the ass. More stickers, more stickers. Hmm, will this madness ever end? I shure hope so. They giggle loud enough for me to hear it over my mp3s. Hmm, that's loud!

Last night at the truck stop must have been cowboy night. Everybody but brightsun and myself where dressed like queer cowboys. One of them even asked if I look at porn. I think I shocked him with the answer :) He didn't bother us any more!

Homophobic cowboys are easy to scare off. Heh, showing them a picture of two guys ass fucking will do that to a person ;) I'm evil. The only reason I keep things like that around is to get people away from me. People suck.

This is also one of the reasons why I don't own any fully automatic weapons. I'd spend far too much of my income on ammo. Aside from some of the other effects it would have on our workforce. Hmm, do sissy cowboys work? Didn't think so.

Looking at highly violent media has pretty much the same effect as gay porn. Though it's not nearly as quick to take effect. Oh well, don't get thrown out of a resturant for that...

The girls to the right of me are being far too noisy.

Oh, I have a new name. Thomas the flying snake boy of tech support. Hmm, obiwan hast granted upon me this great name. Gives me a warm fuzzy feeling deep down inside. Hmm, no. It just means I have to use the loo.

You make me, you make me, you make me. It's all your fault.

I've got a big gun. Make you suck it. Put a hole in your head. Just for the fuck of it. I can abuse you if I want. I've got the power. I'll show you somehow. Me and my fucking gun. I'm gonna cum all over you. I'll show you somehow. Me and my fucking gun.

I saw a picture of a guy who tied his dick into a knot. Instead of makeing me sick, I was trying to figure out why he did it, and how he did it. It just doesn't seem natural! Some people are just really flexable I guess. Explains how people can handle politics. Hmm, no. That's more of a twisting of the mind than the body. Still...

Hmm, then I start drooling over cute girls again. Lucky for me I'll probably never actualy meet them. Amuro Namie for one. Ohh, she's just hot. No questions about it! Mmm, and at around 160cm tall ;) Just the right size for a person like me! Heh, maby I should just go there to pick up a nice girl. They are far more attractive than the ones here.

I'm off to drool over Amuro Namie some more, later!