I find it odd that a resturant would have an officer on duity. But I assume it's just in case the clients get a bit out of hand. It's bound to happen. I mean, people are stupid enough to start fights in places like this. Even with an officer on duity.

One day I saw such an event. Well, thier was no officer on duity at the time, but it would have made no diffrence on the outcome. As the story goes...

Brightsun and I where sitting in a Perkins out in PA, being bored. Thier where several drunk people sitting nearby our booth. For one reason or another two of them decided it would be a good idea to fight.

It started out just as yelling. Gaining power with each shout they began pokeing each other. In general acting like four year olds. Then the first punch was thrown, threw the other guy down to the floor. It didn't take long for them to really get into it either. I will note that they really didn't do a very good job of fighting. The event took several minuits. A real fight should take no more than 10 seconds.

During the corse of events they broke a table, and then both landed under Brightsun's and my booth. It was so hard to resist the urge to hurt them for bothering us. Thier heads right there mere inches from my steel boots. A quick movement and one of them would have been hurting for weeks. But I spared them, they had worse in store for them.

It wasn't much longer than a call came over on the scanner. Four officers had just been dispatched. I wared the drunken fools that it would be in thier best intrests to leave, but alas. The just got up and started beating on one another again.

Not much long after the police showed up. They broke up the fight and asked everyone in who had witnessed the event for a statement. Except Brightsun and I. Apparently they didn't like the fact that every word they wispered into thier mikes was brodcast into the room. The officers largly ignored us, save for the occasional sneer.

Scanners are iligal in PA. I'm not sure exactly how the law is written, just enough that you best not get caught with one in your car. Oh well.

They must truely jest to expect people to wait this long for service. I'm already well over a page into this docuemnt and noone has offered to sell me expensive foods. Eventualy they will take care of it, till then I wait.

Thier is an overwelming urge to build a cell phone jammer. No more than a minuite has gone by without one ringing here. It's insane, people strive to be connected yet want to have lives. These things don't go together.

Not to mention the genral annoyances that things like this cause to others. Not to say that my typing isn't just a bit annoying.

Seriously though I think these sorts of things would be great. Theatres could employ them to cut certan problems out. But most of all, I could mount one on my truck so no idiots nearby could be on thier cell phones while driving. I am not worried if they are taking to thier shrink when the phone goes out. Not my problem. Personaly I don't think anyone sould be using a cell phone while driving. It's quite dangerous.

The officer here looks rather bored. Not to mention lazy, he looks like he's in the army ;) Leaning on the wall as if he can barely support his own weight. Truely sad.

Thirty minuits into sitting here, and I have been totaly ignored by the staff. These people have some serious issues when it comes to customer service. I could give them some good pointers, but won't. They are not worth my time.

My iBook has an interesting feature, a button that lets me spin the HD down. One thing I could never do with my machines running linux. Good for power savings. On the linux boxen it was quite annoying. The HD would spin down due to having power saving on. Then linux would notice. Suddenly just to make sure everything was fine, linux would spin the HD back up. Totaly defeating the purpose of the HD spindown. Heh, but linux was never really desinged for laptops. Though it does work remarkably well on just about any hardware that exists. Can't say that for what's shipped on x86 hardware.

My habbit of hitting save every few minutes also defeats spinning down the HD. Hehe, oh well ;)

The chinese resturant is not nearly as fun to go to anymore. They have raised the price to nearly ten dollars. Totaly insane. It makes the prices here look reasonable. But still, it's all about the bottom dollar. That's what everything is about. How sad.

A gentlemen with his hair done in a mohawk, and wearing a Bad Religion t-shirt just walked in. Oh, and I can't forgit about the dog collar that he's wearing. Probably the most sane person who's here right now. I'm tempted to load up crossbuster, and try to get his attention. Somehow I think he would totaly ignore me though. Just like everybody else. It seems the proper thing to do.

Only about an hour of battery powr left. Or at least with my current rate of consumption. Maby tonnite I will outlast this sexy laptop.

With the screen brightness turned down almost to the point of being off I gain an extra hour. As long as I don't spin the HD back up I should be fine. The screen doesn't look nearly as good this way though. Very dark, causes my eyes to get tired.

Currently I'm thinking about stealing some silverware. Not that I really need it, but more so to annoy them. You know the boss counts each and every one at least once a week.

I am not moving from this seat until they serve me. Even if it means that I stay here all night. Doesn't matter to me. I have little to do tommorow. Just play with my truck a little bit. Might as well try to fix the cooling problem. It would be really bad for the engine to drop out in the middle of nowhere.

Why would anyone go to a bar to find a mate? Drunk people are some of the most unatractive ever. They slur thier words, can't control basic bodily functions and thier minds are impared. That is probably why they go home with total lousers just like themselves. Only to wake up the next morning with the realization that they just slept with the most ugly girl ever. Not to mention picked up half a dozen sexualy transmited dieses.

Then they come to places like this only to make messes, and annoy the other clients. It's a totaly pointless endevour. They truely wish to be cool, yet achive the exact oposite. Thier whole reason to exist is to be cool. Yet they could not be farther from it.

It would seem that the bar rush tonnite is not going to be as expected. Much more light traffic. If I hang around in lincoln long enough before I go home the cop in dewitt will leave. He has nothing better to do with his time but pull me over every time he sees me. He's a pig.

Now, don't get me wrong. Most officers are quite nice, they mean well. Too bad they are misguided. So it goes.

Over an hour since I have been seated, and am still waiting for someone to serve me. At least they haven't made any rude comments yet. Sooner or later I will get my overpriced food.

This is the location where adam and I met. Quite the experience. General conversation. He's very cool.

Cracking your joints is supposto be bad for you. I don't see it. Been doing it for most of my life with no noticable side effects. Thier are far worse things a person could do. You can't even begin to imagine the hobbys that some people enjoy. I've seen these things. This one man decided it would be a good idea to split the head of his penis in two. Repulsive, and not nearly as functional. Others who put holes in thier lips, or nose. All for the sake of looking cool. It's all for not.

What is truely odd though is certan intrests that I have. Replace, or augment parts of my body. So inefficent at the moment. But the diffrence, abit a fine one is there. Those modifications would actualy be usefull. Not just for looks.

I think the officer is flirting with an underage girl. thier smiles are so bright. My word, the officer has shiny teeth! He must be a lady killer. Better keep you kids in at night, he's a monster.

Few of the above mentioned bar initated relationships ever work out. One, or the other turns out to be either abusive, or demented. If not both. They don't seem to mind though. Almost as if that's what they want out of life. A mate who constantly abuses them. One day I'll figure out what makes these people tick. When that time comes thier will be some interesting things happening. You can't even begin to imagine the plans I have moving.

Like great boulders they sit currently. Unmovable, and largly ignored. But the day full understanding hits they will move. Just as if a powerfull earthquake has taken place. Just you wait and see.

I am so in love with this song. Countless times today I've listend to it. "The Queen of the 21st Century". Somehow it just rules me. Fits the whole lain theme very well, probably one of the reasons it's so cool. Hmm, now I'm done for a bit.