Today a huge cloud of stupid gas was released uppon nebraska. Nothing else would explain it. All sorts of people with stupid problems.

I spent about half an hour on the phone with one lady who could not type to save her life. Took me 20 min to get her to type in Due to putting in the POP/SMTP servers, she had to type it twice. First she put them both on the same line, then put an ncf in the middle somehow, and finaly spelled nebraska quite wrong.

I wanted to hurt her for being so stupid.

Speaking of stupid. I just love the way tate says stupid. Heh, the voice inflection is perfect. Similar to a comedy.

Then there where many others who where just not dealing with life very well...

Called up one girl to see how the account was working, and she was all pissed off because her printer didn't work. I asked what that had to do with the internet, and she said "Fucking fix my printer, it's your job!". Needless to say this didn't go over too well with me.

The crass language aside, I hate printers! They are totaly evil. There is never a reason to print *anything* off. Just pull it up on your screen.

Paper is for the poor. Or in other terms, it's "getto". Meaning that it's a thing for the lower class to use since they are too poor/stupid to own a computer.

Haha! Anyone who doesn't own an applecat modem is a worthless POS!

Ok, I'm kidding. Though long ago I would have actualy belived that. Being as they where the best ;) Hmm, now a 300 baud modem isn't quite as usefull somehow.

Times have sure changed since then. Not quite for the better IMHO. Back then there was content on the nodes. I can't say internet, because it was quite hard to get an internet account back then. But you had BBS. (Bulliten Board Systemas) In short, they rocked.

I've also decided that the quality of my callers skills is relitive to the sleep I got the night before. The less sleep I got, the dumber they are.

Today I got more than a few who couldn't read. Argh!

Ok, the girl who had 'accidently' set her computer to only display german was forgiven. Who the hell wants to read a dirty language like that anyway? ;)

But the others... They will never be forgotten!

Espicaly the one lady who called up, complained a lot, and then we went on trying to figure out the problem with her granddaughter at the terminal. Grandma on the other side of the house shouting commands I'd given her.

Needless to say after 30 seconds of this, I demanded to just speak to the girl in front of the terminal. Much nicer :) Plus she could read \o/

Or the guy who didn't have his computer on when he called. No biggie, I just told him to turn it on. He refused. Demaned I give him instructions that he could do when we hung up.

I told him he better turn it on, or things would get messy. (very good move)

We waited for it to boot up. I asked him when it was ready.

Then I told him to open the 'my computer', and then 'dialup networking'.

Asking him to read off what was in there, he didn't know how to respond. I asked him what it looked like. "I don't know, the computer's not on". "WHAT!?.

"Turn it on, or I'm not going to be able to help you!". Shortly I heard the familair *BONG* of a Macintosh. An iMac to be specific. Heh, even if I had given him instructions, they would have been quite useless to him ;)

Heh, it was easy to fix once I got him to turn the bloody thing on...

There was also in 'inceident' with sunflower seeds today. One of the trash bags was leaking a bit when tate took it out of the can. (no, more than a bit) A great many sunflower seed shells leaked all over the place. Oh well, I just vacumed them up at close. But still, very annoying! You would think we had birds living there!

Hmm, all our workstations/servers are named after birds. So that's not too far of a stretch.

Some of the guys at work recently got eviceted by the city due to a silly law. Apparently if you have more than five people living together in an rental, and none of them are related they can't live there.

So they have slighly less than 30 days to be out. Pain in the as. So, unless two of them get maried they can't stay. Hmm, tate did mention marying pat ;)

That would be better than if I maried pat. His name is 'Thomas Patrick Conroy', and mine is 'Thomas Patrick Ulrick'. So no matter which last name we went with, we would be stuck with the same name (all of it).

Hmm, also these are all guys, so I don't think any of them are getting hooked up any time soon. At least not in that way ;)

Today I got the first of the 'Card Captor Sakura' series. Mmm, spent the last hour reading it. How I love manga :)

This one is an odd bilingual version. Heh, someone on ebay had it, so why not? Hmm, is the store. Yes, I do know what that means. Bite me. I happen to enjoy that sort of thing (It's one of my fun twists).

It was a good read. I tried to read it at work (I ship all my ebay stuff to work). But we had too many morons calling to truely enjoy it.

Ironicly the opening for 'Card Captor Sakura' pops up on my mp3 playlist. Hehe, such a cute song ;) Sakura is the name of the girl in the anime, not just a flower.

Catch you, catch you, catch me mate!

Almost time to go. Tommorow I need to prepare for cory's wedding. Hmm, I'm going to have to get up so freaking early for that! Danmit, getting up before noon is for people who don't know any better!

But it's worth it. He's my friend, and I'll even go into a church for him. Hmm, yes. That's a big step for me. I've not set foot in one for many years.

I've still not decided on a wedding gift for them (cory/heather (yes, I know her name!)). I'll figure something out tommorow (I have to, it's my last day to do so).

Hmm, the girl at 10:00 winked at me. Too bad she's not an anime girl. I'm not realy intersted since she's not. Oh well, one day I'll meet a cute girl whith blue hair, and big eyes.

My boss makes fun of me for drooling over them. Anime girls that is. Heh, it's probably well deserved, but I would know nothing about it :)

Though I catch him looking at my screen quite a bit. Sometimes I wonder if he's just envious of me. You know, I've got a cute laptop who loves me, and good looking anime girls on the screen at all times. Phwee!

Then one of the owners gets involved. He asked me if it was pokemon on my screen. I had to laugh at him for this mistake. It was 'lain' at that time. Heh, how could anyone see lain, and pokemon as the same? I just don't see the connection.

Lately Sakura has been on my screen.

I've even named all my computers after exelent anime girls. There's ami (my iBook), tomoyo (my IBM thinkpad), washu (my half dead PC with no monitor), x9 (hmm, that's not an anime girl (but, he's a partialy dead 486 laptop)), arisu (a Mac Classic), and lisa (another non anime (she's a PowerMac 7300 with USB)).

Well, I must cut this one short. My battery is almost dead.