I received a nice suprize a couple days ago. Some extra special spam.

I'd reprint it here, but for some reason I highly doubt it would display properly on your terminal. It had something to do with pr0n, but I'm not sure what.

The message was all in korean. Well, for the life of me, I can't read korean. I know what it looks and sounds like, but just don't get it.

So, why the hell was somebody sending me korean pr0n spam? Maby they thought I could read it? Then again when have spammers been known to actually think about who they send mail to? I hate them.

The part that confuses me the most, is that so few people can actually read korean (in the world that is). Why would they even bother? Then again, spammers think a .01% return on their email is a good return.

I need to say it again. I wish all spammers to be dead. They all should die. I want to do it myself, but that's not going to happen. Far, far too much paperwork involved in that.

Maby if I started paying people to kill spammers? That would work, but also be a lot of trouble. I'd actually have to do real accounting.

Hmm, I have a party to go to eventually. Though I don't exactly know how to get there. And to boot, I have no clue where I parked. I'm in gateway mall currently. It sucks having no sense of direction.

Then again, this is why I accidently drive to MI instead of MN. Only about 400 miles difference, take account for the error, and 800, yah, yah. That's why I now own a GPS. But I think I need to get a handheld version. That way I can find my car in parking lots.

Or, so I can get home when I take a walk. Walk out to get the mail, and then I don't come back for a week due to not being able to find my way home. (I have a long driveway).

Or even better, one day I decided to walk to a restaurant from my house. Well, I did eventually find a runza. 300 miles from where I started. Oh well.

I had heard rumors about some sort of biological weapon being spread in malls around oct 31st this year. Note that I didn't remember this till I was already here. Oh well, rumors are rarely true.

As much as I hate this country, I hate the people in afghan even more. We should expunge them now!

Speaking of this reminds me of something. I've wanted to stop mail service to my house for quite some time. The only letters I get are from the power company, gas company, and the telephone company. Past there it's junk. The kind of junk that litters the back of my car.

I don't want to bring it into my house at all, but forget that it's in my car when trash day comes. With the anthrax (not the bad) scare going on right now, I want to ducttape my mailbox closed. Not because I'm afraid of antrhax (they are a great band). But due to not wanting to receive any snail mail ever again! haha, think they would go for that?

The postmaster would probably get pissed off at me, and call me into thier office again. Heh, yep, that's exactly what happened last time I did something like this.

Though, that time I just stopped checking my box, and let it overfill. They hung another basket below it, and that filled up. Eventually the paper started to mold. That's when I got called. They knew I lived there, sometimes I'd say hi to the mailman as he heroicly tried to jam one more days worth of advertisements in my box.

As you can tell I hate the mail system. If I want something to actually get somewhere, I use FedEx. They work. Very much unlike the US postal system. Haha!

What will happen to this country when the postal system goes kaupt? Heh, it shouldn't affect my daily life all that much. No need. If it can't be converted into some digital format, I don't need it.

Though, on the downside, it will put millions of postal workers out of a job, and make it hard for people to smuggle drugs, terrorists to transport deadly materials, and other important things.

All in all, I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff. Don't you?

Why do I go for the preppy looking girls? The kind that I would have nothing in common with. Well, they are fun to look at...