Is it just me, or does everybody want to take people who spam out into the alley, and rape them with a 2x4? Hmm, can't be just me, nah. Wouldn't belive it if it way.

I hate spam, danm pink meat in a can! Hmm, no, wait. Not that kind. The other kind. The kind you can't set on fire. Well, you could, but that would involve printing it off, and wasteing you own money. No fun in that.

I don't mind the kind of spam I get in the mail, I quite enjoy setting it on fire. Some sort of sacrifice. And they are actualy paying for it to be delivered here. Lol!

What's even better, is when somone calls me up, and asks if I would like a pamphlet left in my door. I ask the only question that matters. "Will it burn without giving off toxic gases?" Ususaly they don't know how to respond to that, hang up, and I don't get anything to burn.

It's even better when they knock on the door, and hand me something that may sway my vote. I take it from them, look it over to make sure it will burn well, and light it up ;) You would think they would get the idea after I do this a couple of times.

But then there is the problem with junk email. You simply can't burn that, and make a point. So, I do the only thing that I can do. I track them down, call them up, and bring them to tears.

I've heard all the lies they can tell. Nothing can stop me now. I even had one girl tell me "I was just supposto answer the phone, and write down people's email addresses.", I told her that if she had any values what so ever, and didn't want to end up with VD, she should just walk out.

Needless to say, that didn't go so well. After about 20 min of talking to her, I think she finaly understood my plight. Spam is bad, and anyone who helps those who spam is just as evil as the ones actualy doing it.

I don't care, I seriously don't care who gets hurt, they are evil. I'd rather have perverts hitting on me 24/7 than spam. Hmm, that's a bad example since I am a pervert. Heh.

Ok, better yet, I'd rather get mugged a couple times a week than get any more spam. At least I can carry a gun, and defend myself aganst that. But not with spam. Not much you can do but insult them so badly they kill themselves.

That's my eventual goal anyway. Might be a while till I find the 'catch phrase' that makes them do it right there on the phone with me. But untill then, I will keep trying. Death to them all!

If I ever run into one in real life, I have some very nasty things planned for them. As you can probably imagine it doesn't actualy involve any 2x4s. That would be far too quick, and messy. I was thinking something far more hanous. A quick slice to the tendons in the back of the ankle. Also a matching set to the wrists.

Without those a person can barely walk, or type :) Then after a very stern lecture set them free. Note that lecture in this case means talk to them about what they did wrong, and why they deserve what they got till I get tired of talking.

That could take quite some time...

Needless to say, do *NOT* spam any of my accounts, or I will make your life a living hell. Or, at least for a short while. I'll fill your answering machine with NIN, Call you a dirty bugger, politely ask you to blow your head off, and much much more.

In the last 24 hours I've recived about 50 of these spams. While I do get 200-300 emails a day normaly this isn't that much. It's still bloody annoying. Imagine the person who only gets 1-2 a day. That's about 500% shit in thier inbox!

What makes these people think that I'm actualy going to buy anything they are selling? Even if .00001% actualy do, was it worth all the backlash they got from people like me? Somehow I doubt it. I belive that you would have to pay a person a *lot* to put up with me screaming at them.

Some days I just want to sit around, twitch, and quote NIN lyrics. It seems the only fitting thing to do. Espicaly when I'm very upset about something like spam (and am doing right now). Big man with a gun comes to mind for some reason.

Some days I think that I'm just looking for somebody to hate since my life is so empty. Then I realize that as long as I've got pain killers, and stimulents nothing else matters.

Well, maby sorting ID3 tags. Those must be *PERFECT*, and to do that you need a computer that's able to play mp3 files (to justify toying with the tags). Hmm, more than that, a computer at all. It would be such a pain to do it by hand with a pen and paper. Ouch!

You would not belive how slow it is to do over a LAN. Espicaly one that has a server running windows. Youch!

Well, I'm going to go off and do some more twitching, and quote some more NIN, probably yell at a few spammers, then finaly retire to do it all again tommorow.