I had a very strange dream last night.

It starts out with me getting up in the morning. Pulling the covers aside, and standing up from the couch I light up a smoke.

I walk over to my terminal and login. I've got this song running through my head. "Koi no cute beat", it sounded as good as an mp3. Check my mail, and prepare to leave.

The drive to work was pretty normal. But Dr. Laura had more background music that ususal. Then I hit the kwik shop.

Some guy who looks like Tom Baker is at the checkout, and I can hear the Dr Who opening theme playing when I look at him.

I write that off as kina wierd till I get to the office.

I glance over at steve and hear some techno beat. Sit down at my terminal and glance over at cory. Clasical music fills the room. I think to myself that this is truely strange.

The day goes on with me looking at people and then having thier personal soundtracks play. The account manager was the most scary. I kept hearing animaniacs songs playing when I looked over at him.

First dream I've had in a little while. Kina refreshing, but I woke up just before I had to go to work (in the dream). So then when I actualy had to get up and go to work I was a bit confused at first.

Why can't I dream of something more fun? Like a day off? I mean, this was like having an extra day of work this week. I even had to answer tech support questions in my dream!