I'm almost finished with 'Slaughter House Five', by Kurt Vonnegut. A wonderfull book. But, I'm tired, I wonder if I'll fall asleap on the way home tonnite. Hmm, maby I should just take a nap in my truck.

I was quite tired on the way home last night, I hit a kitten. I tried to feel sadness, but couldn't. I felt quite bad, but not the way you would expect. In the big picture nothing really matters all that much. It's just life.

I was also late for work today. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I can't belive it. I'll get fired or something if I do that much more. But, who the hell wants to get up at 10:00am? Yesh, in all reality, who wants to be up while the sun is still up? Evil thing anyway. Bad for the eyes, and bad for the soul.

Lots, and lots of girls nearby. They sound like HighSchool students. Childish, and imature. Annoying as hell. What's the point? If only people would stop trying to be 'cool', life would be much nicer. Who cares if others are impressed? Fuck them.

I guess you get a short file today...