Had another slow day today. No, not really all that slow. Just annoying. Lots of idiots calling up as per ususal. It seems that on the weekends the real lusers decide to call up. That's the only way I can explain it.

The worst of them I cursed. She wasn't bright enough to click, double click, or right click. Or, I should say She could do some of these things, but didn't do them at the right times.

She also had a major problem with using the keyboard. "You arn't supposto have caps lock on?!" I told her to reinstall windows :) Hehe, I have no pitty for her. Bloody idiot!

Were getting an airport at the office! Kick ass, granted part of the cost comes out of my pocket, but still... That's going to make life so much better in general. No more hunting down a free ethernet cable every morning. Danm I don't miss that!

Speaking of things like that, I did an upgrade to my 7300/200. Installed a USB card. Ohh does that rock :) Heh, now I can burn CD's and still take my iBook around. No more being chained down for me. I only hope that it performs well.

I would also like to point out that noise canceling headphones rock. I can now listen to music at a lower level, and still enjoy it while in busy places. A far cry from having to use max volume to drown out the idiot's chatter.

Then the real question is why do I go where idiots hang out?: Heh, I must really hate myself or something. Oh well, life goes on.

That's about all for today.