Last night was bad. The roads. I drive, but I'm not. More like I'm just sliding, and have my fingers crossed that I'm not going to run into either the sidewalk, or oncoming traffic. Talk about fun.

It was suggested that I stay in lincoln last night. I ask around, and get offers. Cool. Too bad where I stayed last night was a three or four block walk from my car. Oh well. Oh, and it was a totaly no smokeing place. I survived.

We copied some files around, and wasted bandwith in general. Pretty cool. Plus it was a nice warm place to sleep. Hehe, I don't want to repeat the hate snow incident.

The target left work early yesterday. No reason was given. After a query to the manager we where told we didn't need to know. Hmm? That makes me think he was fired. But somehow I doubt it.

If that where the case, why would he not tell us? It just doesn't make any sence. Hell, this whole situation doesn't make any sence. I can understand how he got hired. Fakeing his resume. But what I can't fathom is how he's still here.

The only reason I can fathom would be him being some relitive of the owners. Or many a neibors kid or something. But still! I sure as hell would not want my biz being run by an idiot like him!

I'm cold.

Starbucks. I hate the place, it's like disney (doesn't disney own starbucks?). But I'm here anyway. It's on my way to work, and hmm. That's about it.

I ordered a latie, but got tea. Hmm, that's cool I guess. I did ask her to suprize me. Heh, bigger suprize than I expected.

This place seems kina lonely. There are people here but it's all tiny groups. Everybody here has a friend with them. Makes me wonder. I haven't had anyone go out for coffee with me in a very long time. Oh well.

It's still snowing. I hate snow, I hate snow, I hate snow! That white shit should be outlawed by the .gov. Danmit, I pay my taxes. They can at least do that. Hmm, and they need to turn down that fucking lightbulb too. Espicaly when there is snow out.

It's to the point that everything is so bright I can't see. It hurts to keep my eyes open. Hmm, I doubt they would though. Something about it costing too much to move the earth away from it. Or us not having enough dark glass to build a screen around the planet.

But still! They should at least mandate...

I had to listen to rush limbah again today. Argh! As soon as I realized who it was I put my radio on the disney chanel. Argh! I hate that also, but it's better than listening about political comentary. The same arguements every day. Yesh.

Are politics realy that fun to argue about? I sure don't see it. The best .gov is one that you never have to hear about.

Eventualy I'm going to get a CD-player for my car. Or something. All I realy need is a jack for my iBook. She plays mp3s very well ;) Oh, I picked up some Garth Brooks today. Strange for me I agree. But hell, I like all sorts of music.

I now have five hundred and six songs in my playlist. That's over a day's worth of music. And who said a three gig HD was small? Hmm, it is. I'd gladly have a weeks worth of constant music on here, but I can't due to the tiny HD. I'm thinking about getting a bigger one of those too. But have you any idea how hard it is to upgrade the HD in an iBook?

You basicly have to gut it entirely to get to the naughty bits. Not all that pretty. Plus it would void my warenty. Memory hits, my warenty has been out for a couple months now. Heh, guess I have no excuse for not doing it now other than the cost.

If only the people sitting nearby could hear the music my iBook is producing. Hmm, that would be interesting. "Giant ladies, bearded ladies, midget ladies." "Clowns of darkness, and from underneath them comes the..." "IC Fucking P is in the house!" "Trunk full of fago, car full of fat chicks. Rolled into town and out with the bigtop."

Had a couple of guys notice the BSD stickers on Ami. Heh, they assumed I was actualy running BSD on her. Hmm, not till OS X. But I do plan on it.

This tea tastes like ass now. I think I've let it sit far too long.

Need to get to work at some point in time. Almost two hours till I clock in though. Heh, clock in! We are now supposto login to consoles when we get to work. Yesterday, and the day before there where no consoles for me to login to. None!

We are short. Luckey for them I have wireless, and carry my own terminal. But I'm supposto login to one of theres also. No chance of that when they are full.

Oh well...

Hi asshole.

Another day of dealing with them on the phone. "Internet helpdesk, what the hell do you want?". Not quite how it goes, but it's what I'd like to say sometimes. Hmm, no more that often.

You ask them what's wrong and the best they can manage is "It don't work". Argh! Can't they be a bit more specific? Or what I love are the ones who say that were not answering, when they can cleary hear the handshake of the modem. Bah!

Or this guy who left a string of messages on the screen saturday. "I'm calling to inform you that your servers are down. I repeat, your servers are down." "Hi, me again. Your servers are still down, it's been ten minuits!" There where like half a dozen of these from him. All done in this high nasel voice that made me want to kill.

Our servers are fine, he's an idiot. Just because the pop is busy doesn't mean we are having problems. Oh, and speaking of busy. I want to ream frogboys neck. (not the same guy). He's on far to much in a town where we don't have enough lines.

We are getting more, but the danm telco is so slow to put more copper in. Yesh, they should have expected this. Hmm, so should have we. But it was an experiment. Not much we can do now but wait for some copper.

The girl at the counter commented how cool my iBook was. Heh, seems to have that sort of effect on girls. Maby one day I'll get a date from it? Nah, I doubt it. Still it would be super cool.

After OS X comes out I'll have to emulate MacOS. That's going to be fun, but I've already found carbon replacements for most all of the programs I use. Hmm, I hope that iTunes is carbon. I'd hate to louse such a cool mp3 player.

Though in my tests even 68k code worked in classic mode. Kina jumpy, but it did work. Hopefully the final release is a bit quicker than the public beta was.

After I finish my mocha (the tea was dead) I'm going to hit up the burger joint on north contner. Pisses me off that I can't smoke here, or there. Argh, I'd so love to have that option. But alas it's supposto be bad for you or something. I hate to break it to whoever decided this, but everything you do is bad for you. Hell, living is bad for your health.

Then the same people who say smokeing is bad do all sorts of other things that arn't much better, and say it's good for you. Haha! Sometimes it makes me want to just drop out and quit the rat race. Can't have that though.

I'm far too addicted to the pleasures it offers. Internet access, and sexy computers. That sort of thing costs money. To have money you need to be in the rat race. That's how they get you.

The BSD guys are back. But are not paying more than a token amount of attention to me. I find it quite entertaining. As if they want to say something, but never do.

I'm not sure who is worse. Linux nuts, or BSD nuts. They both cheer that they have the best, even though it's all the same shit. Kina like the mac vs PC. All computers suck, you just have a choice of what kind of suck you get.

Though they are getting better. We are now in the age where even retarded fucks who can't read use computers. They may not be all that productive, but they can click on the pretty pictures and make it do stuff.

Hmm, how is this diffrent from when they would pound on keys in DOS and get lots of error messages? It's not any diffrent. They still can't use them. The diffrence is that they are more empowered to use them. Or encuraged. As if it was going to somehow improve thier way of life. Bah!

Computers have made me the isolated, and socialy inept guy that you have all come to love. Isn't the information age great? It will reduce population increase by turning all of our children into guys who can't get a date from spending far to much time online.

No, it's deeper than that. When I'm out in the real world I don't even know what to do. Go shopping and pickup a few things I want to eat then go home. Very few possesions matter when your life is digital.

I think it's a better life. Digital media is cheap. It can be copied over and over again and there is no loss. You can't say the same about stuff in the real world. Books. You have to keep printing books. Print a new one for each person who wants a copy. How's that for pathetic? Then again some people realy like dead trees too.

The company I work for send out bills via email. It's less dead tree that we have to play with, and it saves money on postage. You would think that clients would like this. Less dead tree for them to handle. Better for the enviorment and all that crap. Nope. They don't pay since they never got a paper bill. Argh! Can they not just understand that it doesn't have to realy exist to be real?

Hmm, that was a bad way to put it. Even though it's not something you can touch doesn't mean that it's not just as real.

The diffrence between real and not is such a joke anyway. Is history real? Nope. History was written by whoever won the war. They rewrite it so they look good. The take out the bits they didn't like. Even though they happend, and put in false events.

I put little to no faith in any of it actualy being right. Reminds me of an encyclopedia my parents have.

It's a pirate copy. Yep, someone took a brand new set and ran it through a photocopy machine. But they also made some changes. Pretty funny, taught me how people scew reality on such a regualr basis at an eary age.

Since then I put no faith in what others say. Not unless it makes sence (logicly), or I can find enough sources who agree. Sometimes if it's wrong but general concencus agrees then it's right. Or may as well be.

I'm sitting here with microphones on my ears (and speakers). Noise cancleing headphones that I've never changed the batterys in. I've had them for about two months now and haven't needed to change the battery. They seem to work fine still.

The box did say one hundred and sixty hours of battery life. But I'm sure I've used them more than that at this point. Hard to tell. Unless I kept a "headphone use diary" I'd have no idea. Heh, that would be a very silly idea indeed!

Oh, no girls with chocolet for me yet today...