It's 5:45am, and I can't sleep.

More than that actualy. Today is both my day to do laundry, and trash day. Ususaly these two things don't happen on the same day (more so on the same part of the day).

Since I only own 4 pairs of pants, and like seven shirts I have to do laundry quite often. Even worse, the outfit I'm wearing doesn't get washed. That sucks, but I've found a solution!

For a party, I dressed up like a girl, bought a dress. It's quite comfey, and I ususaly wear it on the day I wash everything I own. Since I basicly live alone this is not an issue (I'd prefer to not run around naked, just incase someone walks in).

This is where the fun starts. I've got my laundry going, and decide it would be a good idea to take out the trash. Not a major issue. Well, not untill I remember that I'm wearing a mini-skirt that is.

If it wouldn't have been 5:00 in the morning this may have been a bit stranger. Oh well ^_^

One of these days some salesperson will stop by, and I'll answer the door wearing this outfit. (well, just the skirt) I wonder what will go through thier mind? More so if it's one of those people with inverted nipples. (Some group that trys you to convert you to thier religion (door to door)) Hehe!

Till then I'll just have to sit around and wait. Hmm, though it's quite unlikely since I tend to do this sort of thing in the middle of the night.

I am a bit strange by any standard...