I did it again today. I slept to four in the afternoon. Hmm, not quite. I did wake up at noon or so to make a bank run. But other than that I was quite asleap.

When I say bank run, I don't mean I actualy robed the bank. No, I'd never do that. Have you any idea how little money you would actualy get? Not enough to make it worth your time.

This one of the reasons why I question why anyone would do it. They would be much better off mugging people in the streets. At least then your chance of getting arested are a bit lower. Though you do have to work harder at it. Most people don't carry much cash on them.

That's not quite true. With the rising costs of everything and all. But it doesn't help. The money isn't worth what it was a couple years ago. Kina funny.

I'm doing well in not eating meat. Almost two weeks, and just a little. I was at my parents house, and that would be very hard to turn down.

It would appear that the brain rotting problem is spreading like wildfire in the old country. Not to mention reported cases in the states. My mind is my livelyhood. I can't afford to louse it.

You are probably woried that I won't get all the right bits to stay healthy. Not a problem. I feel just fine, in fact better than ususal. I don't question wheither I'm dead or not halfway through the day.

Though sometimes it's hard to tell, about the dead part. I think it would be rather relaxing. Though being stuck in a box for the rest of time, I just know my leg would cramp up.

I'm getting funny looks again. Maby it's because I'm in a high class coffee shop? Probably. Hmm, I should look pretty high class with my iBook. It sure makes me look above most the places I hang out at.

Or, maby its because I have a picture of a girl sucking on a gun drawn on my shirt. Hard to tell what goes through these peoples minds. Knowing would most likely piss me off. Either that, or be boring as hell.

Probably a good mix of the two. hanging very heavily on the latter. People annoy the hell out of me. Err, scratch that. Normal people. The kind who don't have the mental powers to program thier VCR. Yet they insist on having one. It sits there blinking 12:00...

If your using netscape that would actualy look right. It's the first time I've ever seen a use for the blink tag!

I did something evil today. I went into the 'gateway store' to look at thier pretty computers. Then I started asking normal questions. Too bad the sales guy had no clue what I was talking about. "uhh, yah. It's got usb" when I was asking what kind of inputs it had. Or, "if you can find a way to network them, macs are kina strange", when I asked him about it playing well with my airport.

Granted most of the questions I asked where just to see if he had a clue, and I already knew the answers. It's just the fun of the event. I love to confuse those who have weak minds. Hehe, I'm evil.

Even though it's a terrible thing, I feed directly off the weak. They 'need' me. Hmm, that's not right. They have no need for me what so ever! But I make them need me. Hmm, no, that's not right either. Due to them wanting to do things beyond thier grasp they need me. Yes, that's it.

The truth of the matter isn't nearly as pretty. If we hadn't had such wonderfull medical advances most of them would be dead now. Or quite a few of them would never have been born.

Here comes a bit that may make you want to hate me. I think it's a good idea to 'fix' the very feeble minded so they can't breed. You don't want them in the gene pool. Do you?

One of the reasons I want world domination. Till I get that this will never happen. The flower power people are too 'nice' to do that sort of thing. Bah, it's for the good of the species. It's nothing personal.

In fact, I've met several people with very feeble minds who where quite plesent. But I'd never breed with them, nor would I allow my children to do so.

It's got nothing to do with race, or other similar bullshit. It's about a fourty five year old guy who can barely function at a first grade level. It annoys the hell out of me. We don't need people in this world who can't be productive.

Ok, that was a bit off topic. Please flame me if you wish. Actualy, I encourage it!

I think the guy at two oclock was winking at me. Hmm, not sure what to think of that yet. Well, other than I'm not going to show him gay porn to get rid of him. Somehow I think it would have a diffrent effect.

The batterys in my noise cancelation headphones still haven't been changed. Danm, and they still work just as good as the day I bought them. (4 months ago)

Midnight MacOS X goes on sale. I'll be ready. Danm, danm, danm. Would you belive that xpurple would hang out in line for something for hours? Very, very rarely, but sometimes. I did it for the first starwars movie. That pissed me off.

The movie would have been a lot better if jar jar wasn't in it. Seeing the movie made me want to build a time machine, go back. Then kill whoever came up with that charecter. Argh!

But this will be diffrent. This is about changing the world! Heh, it's Steve Jobs word ;) Come on, who wouldn't hang out in line for hours to get an OS from the 70's with a slick facelift? All your base are belong to us.

I wonder when this place closes. The clients seem to be thinning out a bit. But we still have new ones coming in. Being in a mall, I know it's not open 24/7. Too bad.

Oh, and you can't smoke here.