Are thin girls really that much more attractive? How thin can they get before it's just gross? Not to mention really bad for their health?

It happens all the time. I have several good examples sitting nearby. Arms about 1.5 inch diameter, and waists that are so small you can see their internal organs. (well, not quite, but almost) It's insane.

These people want to be thin, they want to be attractive. It's a never ending problem. They just can't be thin enough. They rarely eat, and when they do quite often purge. What has this world come to?

Having a child would practicly kill them.

Sooner or later my food will arive, and save me from near certan starvation. My mouth waters in anticipation. Hehe, actualy it takes about 40 days to realy starve to death (don't ask).

delphi decided to take a dump on me, but that's ok. I never took the time off in the first place, due to knowing it would never happen. It's kina scary knowing what's going on when others who are directly involved don't.

The choices she's makeing are scareing me. I have no clue what to do. I rarely use icq anymore, it just makes me annoyed. Hell, if she wants to talk to me, she can either email, or find me on IRC. It's not like I'm that hard to get ahold of.

All this shit, and no real benifit from it. Oh well, soon it will be over. Never ask me how, I won't tell you. I'll even be to the point of being agressivly aganst it. You truely don't want to know. All I can say, is that thier are things worse than death.

The comweb takeover didn't go so smoothly. It wasn't realy that bad, but not nearly as smooth as it should have been. Things kept breaking, and users kept being confused. Heh, users are normaly confused. They must spend all thier lives calling up random helpdesks, just for fun.

Then thier was that one guy. Total idiot, and not even involved with the takeover. He insists on using procomm to connect to the internet. While a find thing to use, you have to know what your doing. A unix prompt does not belong in the hands of lusers. I'm also not going to spend my time teaching him how to handle the great unix shell. He's not worth it.

Tommorow should go better. Much more relaxed. Not nearly as many confused users. A thing to look forward to.

When I get home, I plan to install linux on my Macintosh. If nothing else, to see how well it works. Should prove to be an educational experence.

Time to go...