Random report


The purpose of this report was to easily explain the complex theroy of relativity. I hae had great intrest in this theroy for sometime and I wanted to share my knowlege with others. I wish to tear down the concept that ony super brains could deal with this theroy. The idea are simple and understand I shall present the theroy in the same manner.


The famus equation of E-mc^2 has broken the ideas of physics ever since it was intoduced. The reason was that physics has always thought that time ws not the same all around the universe. We now know that this is not true. Time changes according to whose watch you look at, simply stated. If a rocket lies past a stationary outpost and the rocket and the outpost measure and record the time, both the rocket and the outpost will have diffrent measurements and times. The equation for time dilation (figure 1) and length contraction (figure 2) have the same ratio (all figures are at the end of this report and will be present on the overhead). The reason is that the time and length have changed becaause they are relatie to the outpost and to the rocket. The rocket will see the outpost contract and somefor the outpost. As an object increased in speed the ammont of mass will also inclrease but no object cat go the speed of light, the symbol is c.. The reason that no rocket or anything except light is to go the speed of light an object would hae to be infinitely large. This comes from the realization that mass and energy are interchangeable. At the speed of light mass converts to energy. Energy is neded to travel more mass is needed to travel faster. An example is need to truely explain this idea fully. A rocket is traveling at 2x10^m/s This rocket fires a missle that travels at 2x10^8m/s, so simple math would tell us that the missle is traveling at 4x10^8m/s. However the speed of light is 3x10^8m/s, as stated efore no object can travel the speed of light and simple vector treatments, which I won't explain. So, how fast is the missle traveling 2.77^8m/s is the speed of the missle. The equation used to find the speed of the rocket is in figure 3 (please refer to the overhead, and back of this report).

Now consiter an 100-kg safe is rased to a height of 100m. How much ahas the mas increased? Compare the mass of the safe at rest Mo and the ammout of M the safe raised. Refer to figure 4. The ammount of mass gained is 1.1x10^-12kg. Where did this mas come from. The mass is energy came from a loss of energy in another location. The people who lifted the safe lost energy. The final location of energy released is nuclear reactions. There is a certan amount of energy/mass in the univers and energy/mass can not be destoryed, only converted to another form.


I hope you have a simple understanding of the theroy of relativity. The ideas present are to stimulate your barn cells. Many humans have tried to explain the world around us in many diffrent ways. I just want to show you the reader, this simple definition for how the wrold works.

I coudn't find the graphics it was refering to (oh well)