Here are some random thoughts that I was/am thinking about recently

In this issue, our superhero is rather bored, not realy having any wrongs to right, or realy good deeds to do. So, he takes time to relax. One of his favorite things to do when possible, is take a realy long, hot bath. While there, he will most likely read a good book, or listen to some music. Quite often, this sort of thing lasts for a couple hours or so.

Much chatting with friends was done before that though. Afterwords, he pops back on the network. Pulls up micq just to see if anybody happens to be online at the time. Even though, at an hour like that, he didn't expect anybody worth talking to to actualy be on line. Low and behold, somebody of intrest is actualy online. He quickly finishes the omlet he slaved over a hot stove to make, then gets into the conversation.

She couldn't sleep, kept tossing and turning. Can't sleep because of the thoughts running through her head at what seems like 100 miles an hour. Thoughts of things yet to come. So, she checked the TV, and found nothing worthwhile on. After a moment of pondering, she decides to get on the network. While there, she decides to do some more work to her webpage. Just a few aditions. After a while of doing this, she notices our superhero has poped online.

The two talk about the sort of thing that they ususaly do. Our superhero points out a small mistake in her HTML codeing. Or, more accuretly, a nameing conversion error. The topics change on a regular basis, as is normal. Covering HTML, mouse focus, sleep, and clothing. At one point, the topic of bondage comes up. This does not please our superhero. For it can be all good, and fun, it can also be a problem. Bondage tends to be violent. Not that violent sex is nessasarly bad. Though, it's used by men who like to control wemon. The sex is not realy the inportant part anymore, it just turns into a wierd powertrip thing. Our superhero realy doesn't care for bondage, it is a major turn of for him (well, he is a superhero!).

Later on, our superhero starts giving out advice. He does this a lot, to a myrad of diffrent people for many diffrent reasons. The point seemed to have been taken, but he reinforces it one last time. This was done with a story of some guy walking around a subway with his eyes closed. Bumping into things, falling down stairs, and eventualy getting mugged by an old lady who happend to be in a wheelchair.

Pondering what to do next, he decides to check for the fix on her page. Turns out it was fixed in a good way. He is proud. Not exactly so much for that simple little fix, but for the page as a whole. All the work that she has put into it, all the trouble she has gone to to understand the hyper text markup language. But, most of all, he likes the new format. The bits are properly seperated, instead of everything being in just one file. He likes this, it cuts down on load time, and makes the page look much better in general.

Suddenly, for no apparent reason our superhero's modem dies on him, forceing him to reboot it. After a few long moments, he's back on the network.

Chat continues for a while, then after saying goodbye leaves. Gone off to make herself look realy good. No doubt to impress certan male friends. Our superhereo realy doesn't see this as nessary, but who is he to say?

While browsing around, he notices another new addition to her page. Not shure what to think of it, our superhero makes a note of it for future refrence. He keeps track of even the slightest discrepency. No matter who he's dealing with, or talking to. Some things change quickly, some slowly, and then a few things never change at all. He also notes change. For, this can be very inportant. Watching trends that people follow, predicting trends that they will follow in the future. Staying one step ahead in the game.

Suddenly, for no apparent reason whatsoever, our superhero decides to do the dishes.

After returning from the depths of the kitchen, he gets back into his reasonably comfy chair, and begins to think again. His thoughts move quickly through his head. Thoughts of the future, and things to come. Thoughts of how things should be, and what to do to make them happen that way. It's a major effort for me as the narator to keep up with all the things going through his mind. Soon as he starts to realy think about something, he's got the problem solved, then quickly moves to a totaly unrelated one. He spends a lot of time thinking about a relationship that he's currently in. Thinks that it worked out well, not quite like he planned. Though the outcome was one of the possible forseen. What could he have done to make the outcome as he realy had hoped for? He is still not shure, spends a lot of time thinking about it, a bit to much as far as I'm concerned. But, then he thinks back, and realizes that what you want is not nessararly what's good for you, or others. But it still hurts. Is it realy a good idea? Sometimes you have to follow that gut feeling, and just throw caution to the wind. It may have helped our superhero in this situation, but he played it safe. Then, suddenly for no good reason, broke down one day. He threw caution to the wind. And, it cost him. It was not the right time. Not the right place. But, that place and time will come. Eventualy... He must wait patently for that time to come though. Till then, he must find other things to fill his time. Many of witch involve befrending people, and sharing what he has learned throughout his life. Not a very normal life by any standards. He lacks some things that are pretty inportant in life. Although he's done pretty good in general. Still spends a lot of his time wondering how he got where he is. Never realy shure of himself. He hides, afraid. Not shure what of though. Likes to hide behind what he does, likes to give people an impression that he's more than meets the eye (though, he is, but doesn't fully understand the ramafacations of it). One of the reasons he's tried to do so many things in his life. So he would have the experence. He has spent a lot of time doing things, just to do them. To understand why people do them, to understand how to do them just in case he needs to. For a myrad of reasons, he's spent a lot of time learning about computers. At one point in time, this was his main project. But, as he got better, he understood how little he actualy knew. As time went on, he began to use them for what they where intended for. Tools, granted what he learned taught him how to make even the most archaic hardware into a very usefull tool. He's prowd of this accompleshment. It has helped him out quite a bit in the past.

He thinks more about plastic clothing. Then thoughts wander back to where they where a moment ago. What is the reason for all the things that happen? Thier must be a pattern to it all. He realizes that he probably won't understand it till he's much older. Maby not even then. You can't look at it as one thing. It's far to complex for that, by doing that, you would go mad. You have to look at each little bit closely. For even two totaly unrelated bits share a lot in comon.

This is not my idea of a good time - garbage

He wonders what to do next, the situation he's currently in is quite comfey, but in saying that, it realy means that it's too comfey. He has no real reason to go out and get things done. Our superhero is starting to get lazy.

Something has to break to change things. Something has to snap him out of it. Maby he will wake up from this daydream without help, but probably not. He's calculated how to do it, and knows how to keep it going. He wants to keep it going. Goes back to the thought about what we want is not nessasarly what is good for us. He wants a lot of things that are not good for him. Sometimes he gets them, ususaly not.

Do you ever think about walking? Don't think about it when actualy doing it...for you will most likely fall down. It's a teribly complex set of movements that come to the equivelent of falling down and catching yourself before you louse control a lot. Quite similar to a lot of other things. Thinking about it activly makes them seem harder than they actualy are. You have to program you mind to do them without thought. Make them into some sort of automatic reaction. This is easy to do, just takes a bit of time. Remember the first time you drove a car. You probably spent a lot of time thinking about not hitting other people on the road/going into the ditch/whatnot. But, that passes with time, you begin to just 'know' how to do it, you stop thinking about it anymore. Same thing happend to our superhero when he learned to skateboard. He spent a lot of time thinking about his center of gravity, foot placement, worrying about falling off. Now he just does it. Doesn't think about doing it anymore. Still looks where he's going though, you wouldn't belive what a rock does to a skateboard. Or, even a small hole in the pavement. Though, when he's trying to impress somebody, ususaly something stuped, and foolhearty is done. Ends up makeing a fool out of himself when it's the exact oposite that he wants.