I got a quadra 660av recently. Very cool machine that lets me copy video off my DVD player into quicktime (which I can later do whatever I want with.

Though I need a bigger HD for it. At 500 megs, I can only do about 5 min of video at a shot. Not too usefull for transfering my VHS collection to mpeg yet. Would someone want to donate a 20 gig scsi drive to me?

I'm currently waiting for the time to come so I can do an install. Fixing some nice girl's old mac. Seems to be all I do anymore, work with old macs.

Not that it's a bad thing at all :) I rather enjoy it.

Recently bdinger, luke and I picked up a truckload of old macs. JOY! And some of them even work! The ones that didn't where parted out. Now I've got stacks of CDROMs, floppys, and small SCSI HD's on my desk.

Now all I need to do is get an AAUI tranciver so the 660av can be on my DSL. Heh, a 25mhz 68040 with 28 megs of ram on my DSL! YAH!