Call me a wierdo, call me whatever. But I recently got a mac. It's a wierd situation.

Starts out, I go over to fix somebodys mac, turns out that it would have required like 8-10 hours of work to make it right again. They decide that it's not worth it, and comment that they will just send it back to who they got it from. I explain to them that I'd be happy to trade thier dead mac for a fully working x86. They jump for joy. And this is realy better for them anyway. Not that it's easy to find mac software in stores anymore. Especaly around here.

So, I spend many, many hours fighting with it. Run for a few minuits, crash. Reboot, crash, reboot, crash. Change a setting here, change one there. I was getting realy annoyed with it. But now It's working fine, writeing this file one it right now!

The problem turned out to be a corupt system. I was forced to reinstall the OS. But I wanted to do it in such a way as to not destroy the contents of the HD in the process. It worked.

This is a PowerPC 6200CD...what that means, 4x scsi cdrom, 48 megs of ram, 1.0 gig HD, 75mhz PowerPC CPU, 14.4 modem, 16" monitor, sound...

Nothing realy impressive, but I realy like it. I wouldn't buy anything that wasn't PowerPC. It's all about RISC baby!

I even had it connected to the internet about 4 hours after setting it up in the house :) I'll probably get some flack from people for my choice, but oh well...they don't have to use it :)

The only program I *realy* need to get now, is emacs. Thier is a mac version...I've tried to download it, but 28 megs...14.4 do the math. Once I have that, it will be a *lot* nicer to edit my HTML. Right now I'm using SimpleText. Not a bad program, but has a 32k limit of filesize.

Oh, on another note of intrest. I got my drivers liscense back yesterday. They returned it in almost pristene condition. Well, better than it was when they stole it from me. They removed the ductape, and melted it back together again. Those bastards. The entire reason I lost it in the first place, was due to a fucking typo. I louse out on 5 months of wages because of a typo!!!! This is totaly insane. More on that later.

Other good news, I finaly have tennants in my little house. That means rent checks coming in! That makes me so happy. Now I can actualy afford to buy inportant stuff like food. I won't be living off raman for the rest of my life. Thank the gods for that one.

Now I'm debating what to do with my notebook. I like it, but I'd kina like to move my mac's keyboard to a better place. It's tireing to write like this. Ahh, a decision for a later time ;)

Now it's time to update the rest of my page (It's been a few days)