I'm currently having power problems with my iBook. The cable is broken, so I have to fiddle with it. This sucks, hopefully Apple will just replace it for me, but I may want to get an extra yo-yo just in case. Hmm, they are 70$ though (from the Apple store). That's insane!

Oh well, life will go on, and worst case I'll just do some Mcguyver action to fix it. Works for most everything else. Speaking of that, I'm getting an upgrade for my linux box!!!! 133mhz of love!

I'm almost at 350 files now. Danm, I write a lot! Heh, actualy I need to start putting it to good use. Yep, working on my book. I'm thinking about trying to become just a weekend guy at work.

I'll still have income, though not as much. But it will allow me time to work on other things. Something I just don't have right now. Heh, one of these days I'll have a best seller. That's what I'm planning anyway. Just a step twards world domination!

Yes, world domination. It's one of my goals in life, don't get in my way.

Today at work was hell, my own personal hell.

So, I sign this girl up, and she's not too bright. Fine, I ask for her son to walk through. I should have gone with her. Her son could barely read, and his verbal skills wern't much better. You would think a sixteen year old kid could read?

Not in this day and age. It takes me half an hour just to walk him through a wizard. Due to him not being able to read, it was rather hard. Though, better than the girl from last night who kept spelling nebraska nebrasi.

I've decided that if I ever go crazy and start killing people that it won't be random. These people are first on my list. I know where they live.

Remember that I probably hate you

Today was just busy. Lots of stupid people with stupid problems. Why do these people have computers in the first place? Oh, wait. It's the internet revolution! Fuck that.

Computers are nothing but tools. They give anyone an advantage, but they won't turn morons into genius. It's got to do with leverage. But, first the person has to be able to use the computer to thier advantage. Not just stare at the pretty icons. In that case it's just a rather expensive paperweight.

Just like digital watches

The drunks will be showing up soon. You know what that means? I get to answer peoples questions.

"Are you in a chat room?"

"Can you hack into my bank?"

"Do you have porn on there?"

"You have an Apple!?"

This sort of thing pisses me off to no end.

I recently asked a girl on a date. This is a big step for someone like me. I haven't had a date in a *very* long time. Hmm, years? It's been so long I can hardly remember. Personaly I don't even know what I'd do with a girl if I had one.

I was turned down though, quite the sort of thing I'm usto at this point. Hmm, no. That was the first time I've ever asked a girl out before. Every other time it worked the other way around.

This was in a chat room.

Some people just love to complain, being very vocal about it. People I deal with on a regurar basis. Instead of just doing tech support, I also deal with accounts. If tech support is hell, than accounting is worse.

People get much more excited over an extra dollar on thier bill than not being able to connect. Or, the ones who want some sort of credit for downtime. It was not our fault! Some jerk with a backhoe did it. Wasn't even our lines! Dick, anyway, he got shit.

And put on some mailing lists ;)

Then there was this other guy, total idiot. Pissed that we can't control the spam that comes to his mailbox. I did find a fix though...

Setting his .forward to abuse@psi.net, that way he never gets any mail! Hehe, he didn't go for it. I told him to do what any rational person would. Just delete it, and shutup.

He didn't like that either.

I've still got half an hour till the drunks show up. Half an hour of peace. Such a short time when you think about it. Why do they have to do this? After being rude, and obnoxious in a bar, they come here to do the same. The excuse being to 'sober up' before going home.

That is such a lame excuse. Do they have nothing better to do with thier lives but destroy brain cells?

I've decided yes.

MacOS 9 is running very nicely on my 7300/200. I had expected it to be a bit doggy with only 48 megs of ram. This is far from the case. In fact, it's a bit faster now.

I can only attribute this to the improved virtual memory, and memory management in general. The installer didn't work, so I had to just copy files over. I'm amazed it worked so well.

Now to put OS X on her...

Speaking of spam, I've been doing really well in that area. One of the guys at work got hit about ten times with some ad for cookies. I didn't, now I feel left out. Danmit, I wanted to buy cookies from an evil bakery. One that is so evil that it has to advertise via junk mail.

Some days I get hard though, a hole 20 messages in a day. Danm, and it's just so hard to hit delete. I really don't understand how people get so worked up about it! It's better than junkmail sent to your house. That you actualy have to throw away.

Or burn, so the evil doesn't spread.

I need to return my movie to blockbuster, or pay late fees. Heh, they have some good stuff. A small anime section. Picked up Kite there. My is that twisted. So twisted that many scenes had to be cut out just to make it leagal in the states. Body's blowing up, mind control, and total perversions.

This is the sort of thing that would be entertaining to raise kids on. Make them aware of thier mortality, and how easy minds are to bend. Granted this would most likely turn them into psycos, and rapests. Oh well, shit happens.

We need more movies like this.

Did you know that you can walk on watermellons without them breaking? Yep, pile a bunch together, and as long as you don't jump your fine. Same with oranges, apples, and most any fruit.

Also, most fruits, and vegtables are picked before ripe. They are expected to ripen in the trucks, and on the shelves. Ever wonder why your tomato doesn't taste qite right? Yep, it's not ripe. None you will find in stores ever are.

Makes buying that sort of thing in stores very hard.

I still need to burn my christmas CD. One of these days I'll actualy get around to it. But not today. I've got some other things to burn first. Got another 450 megs of porn today. Yep, more porn than you could ever imagine. All mine! Heh, pretty boring really.

After you've seen a couple girls naked, it's all the same. Some people just can't get enough of it though. I'm pretty satisfied to get several thousand images a day.

If only it was interactive

How do fat girls get guys to go out with them? I mean, really fat girls? The ones that are large enough that you don't even have to worry about penatration. Yep, just pick a fold and go to town.

I would guess it's just desperate guys who think they can't do better. Hmm, most of the population? Being as that 75% of the population is male? That's the only answer I can come up with. I don't plan on being that desperate.

I'd turn gay first

Still need to get Brightsun a scanner. Something good, at least 1200x1200 dpi. Something that can be used to properly blow up photos. Hmm, I also need a better digital camera. My current one isn't even good enough to make cheap porn with.

Heh, cheap porn. What sort of person makes a living by selling thier body anyway? They must have no morals, how do they sleep at night? Lying there, knowing that thousands of males are getting off to thier image.

Must be the drugs.

Due to all the STD's out there, I would prefer to only have sex with virgins. This is where it gets hard. They have basicly been hunted out of exsistance. If you do find one, she won't be that way for long. People are just to open with thier bodies.

A friend of mine was in a situation where a guy *REALLY* wanted his dick sucked. She rufused, and let him fuck her instead. How!? Personaly I would have taken up the offer, and then bit down hard. Make him wish he never would have tried. People like that make me sick. I'd still enjoy killing that jerk.

I hear tell that some first graders are still pure.

There has been a lot of angry people over www.upskirt.com. Something about it being wrong. Lack of privacy. It's all shit. If these girls go out wearing a micro miniskirt they should expect this sort of thing. If thier parts wern't hanging out in the first place, it wouldn't be a problem.

But, apparently they just don't see the connection. Thier lewd dress, and what comes with it. Danger? No. lack of respect? Sure. Who cares? If someone posts revealing pictures of me on the net I'd be happy! Heh, who doesn't what that?

Thier is no god.

Time to go, later....