Just spent the last several hours typeing in some old stuff I wrote. Some of it's not bad, some of it, I could live without ever seeing again. But I typed it up anyway, because it's all part of who I am/was. Things have changed a lot since those days. In HS, I was full of hate, and lust. Not a pretty sight. But, eventualy, I calmed down (I'm still not shure what did it). Now I'm jut pretty reserved, but very friendly (depends on the comapny). But, usualy friendly. Though I still hold some of the more romantic parts of my childhood, not much remains. One of the few things to stay the same, is my style of dress...I still dress for comfort. But now I'm not nearly as stuck up about it...in HS I would not be caught dead with any clothing with writeing, or any sort of image on it. Now I don't worry about it, and just go with the flow. This definitly brought back some good memorys, and some realy bad ones. Wonder where the rest of my stuff went, I usto journal every day, without fail. Even wrote a program to aid me in doing it (actualy sold 1 copy). Maby someday I'l find all thost files/papers. But I'm not going to bother actively looking for them. I notice a good chunk of these files are about me being attracted to girls...Never realy thought about what a horn-dog I was then. That's definitly changed. I think a lot of the change had to do with actualy letting people in...makeing friends. In HS, I had a few people I knew, but only one realy good friend. Only one person I would tell everything (but I still kept some things to myself (still do)). He helped me out a lot. Made life go much better. But, sadly enough, we where in a car wreck together, and he was killed. It still hurts. But after letting one person in, it was easyer to let others in. I'd sit here and tell you my life's story, but this isn't the place for it. You will have to read what I have writen, and figure it out for yourself. All I will do from this point on, is document what I see/do. Been doing that for long enough. Only once in a while will I reacal a random memory that may, or may not be documented alredy. Enjoy!