The north platte issue seems to be much less of a problem now. All the people have called in many, many times. I think they are tired of yelling. Also another bit of information that we picked up probably made a diffrence.

On the morning news there was a story about how the telco was having trouble. The exact same trouble we have been telling them about for days. It's on TV, of course it's the truth. Who cares what those "techs" say anyway?

Or at least that's how it would appear to work anyway.

Now that the yelling is over we can finaly relax for a bit. Till the next issue hits. Till then we wait. Ready to do battle again.

That's how it feels. Annoying battle of the mind. One day we will all be rid of such things. It won't be for quite some time though. I give them another couple thousand years to destroy themselves.

I felt good today, not perfect but good. Now that I've eaten far too much greasy truck stop food I'm not doing quite so well. Mmm did it taste good though :)

I have found that I feel better eating light foods. Laying off the meat, the thing I love so much. Oh well, one day it will all end.

Today I realize why I have an iBook. Anime, that's it. They have all these cool looking computers in anime. I envy them, so I emulate them. I've got a computer that actualy looks good by my side. Not some black box.

It's the sort of thing I'm proud to show off to strangers. I want to take her home and have my parents meet her. She's a good computer. Ami, the only girl in my life who will never screw me over.

Now if only I could find a flesh and blood girl as good. Calm, reserved, and pleasent to talk to. It's not to be though. People are just not that nice to be around. Or, at least most of them.

What would they say if they ever knew?

Oh, I must tell you of a major disaster that occured!

A shirt I picked up ebay recently got spagati spilled on it! Yep, a white shirt too. The one with lain on the front. The one that makes people question my sanity when I wear it.

But thanks to my mothers hard work, and the washing machine she's back to new! Or as close as one would expect from this sort of thing. Looks like it's been through the was about twenty times, but the stain is almost totaly gone.

I thank her very much, and you should too. _-=THANKS=-_

I've helped her set her laptop up downstairs so she can be a bit more sociable on the network. Hehe, everybody should be connected.

Did you know that there are over 2 billion web pages on the network? That's a rough estimate, I'd say there are at least twice as many.

How's that for informational overload? Nobody could read all that in an entire lifetime. Nobody. (not to be confused with the unix nobody) He could most deffinitly do it, since every day at two am he su's root. Every day without fail.

All this data just waiting to be read, but there is no good way to sort through that much. The best way I've found involves various search engines. google yahoo ask None of them are near perfect that's why you use so many. Hmm, quite frankly sucks some major ass. But it *can* be usefull when you don't really know what your looking for.

One part per trilion, one part per billion, one part per million. NO!

Do you know how many ounces of rat fecies are allowd in your favorite breckfast cerial? More than you would like to think. Pleasing is the thought, right?

They don't list that on the box as part of it's contents though. It would hurt there sales in some places. Places where people had the strange problem about eating small bits of rat fecies.

It's no big deal, you have probably consumed several pounds at least in your lifetime.

I've found a bug in iTunes. Maby not a bug, but something odd. It remembers the shuffle order between sessions. Odd, but kina cool, also annoying. It all depends on how you look at it.

I've also decided that I will never have more ram in my 7300. Or not for quite some time. 168 pin DIMMS are very hard to find (for mac that is). I may have to resort to buying a dead one, and pull the ram out of it.

The guys at work are having a problem with the airport hub. Range isn't nearly what it should be for them. But they also don't have a two foot anteana on thier laptop.

Finish smoke, watch a bit of SES, and then head home for sleep.