I don't think I'm going to use spaces in my filenames any more. Or, not all the time like I'd gotten the habbit of doing while running system 9. Being as I spend most of my time in a terminal, and not actualy using any of the aqua interface it's easyer to not.

I'd like to point out that OSX handles linefeeds diffrently from OS 9. Annoying, I had to modify every bloody linefeed on my webpage. Or, at least the ones on pages that I plan on changing. Seeing lots of ^M where it should realy be a line feed is quite annoying. Espicaly since it put the entire file on one line.

A single 10,000 charecter line is pretty hard to manuipulate.

So, what do you think of the new link on the bottom of my page? I'm bored with it already, and it's only been there for a few days. I just added it on a whim. Cute girl, cool page. But it doesn't fit what I'm looking for. Not to mention her complete lack of updates. Danmit, it's been almost two weeks since her last update!

Anyone with a serious website must update often, and make updates that count. I try to add a file at least once a week for a bare minimum. But two or three a week is my goal. Some days go better than others.

The hardest part is getting time do actualy do it. I'm ususaly far too busy. It takes time to bang away at the keyboard like this. You should try it. At this point I've got about 3000 pages of stuff that I've writen. Heh, it's my life's work.

Too bad most of it's shit.

I think that this file is nothing more than filler. Something to pass the time till I die. Eventualy that will happen. But I'm going to try to prevent it by any means possible. Preferable being uploaded into a computer.

It would not suprize me at all if we reach that point while I'm still around. I may be an old man then, but still good enough for upload. Granted there are some problems with that.

I know things that I shouldn't. I'd have to erase those things, due to someone having the ablity to actualy read my mind. Not directly, more like you read a disk. Scares the hell out of me.

People are talking about something called the 'quickening'. Basicly everything going far faster than it ever did. They say that it's gaining speed. I can go along with them, remember 20 years ago? Would you have dreamed of anything that we have now?.

But, several hundred years ago, 20 years didn't make much diffrence at all. From several hundred years back, not much has changed. Life has remained pretty much the same for people. It's just recently when things have begun to change quickly.

I'm talking more about the things that where done, general lifestyle. Not so much the actual events. Tech being one of the important factors. When was the engine invented? Not that long ago (This includes steam engines).

What does the human race have in store for it? Prrobably a lot more than were ready to deal with at this point in time. It's a major concern of mine. We currently have the power to destroy the earth many, many times over. In a couple years, that power will be doubled or more.

What about 20 years? Then we would be able to destry the solar system? Who knows, but it's not a pretty picture. But with the power to destroy also comes the power to create. Far easyer to destroy though. It's also more fun.

Will we be around in one hundred years? For some reason I have my doubts. People arn't able to handle the sort of power they would have then. Heh, that's why you take the power away from the masses, and give it to the .gov. LOL, that's a bad idea also.

Then who do you put in power? As I see it, the people who have a clue should be in power, and in some respects are. Knowing how things actualy work they wield a very powerfull position. They may not give the orders, but they create the machines.

Whatever happens will happen. It's the natural course of things.

Or, maby it won't? If we where to invent a time machine, we could go back and fix the errors that our society has made. That in itself could explain why things have been so good recently.

They would have to be very carefull in doing that though. One wrong move and you no longer exist. Or would you? I've not figured that part out yet. And it's not the sort of thing that you can prove.

If a person where to go back, and kill thier great grandparents, they would never have existed. Thustly they would have never been able to kill thier great grandparents. In turn they would then exist, and would have killed thier great grandparents.

But that's only true if you look at time as a line. I has to be more complex that that. If it wasn't we couldn't exist. A single paradox at any point in time would have caused the entire line to be destroyd.

Or, maby not. You can't tell till you try it. But the fact of our existance proves that it must be more complex since we do exist, and haven't disapeared due to a paradox.

Even deeper though, we would have never existed if a paradox would have been created. So, thustly time is not just a line of events. I think I'm getting the hang of this now. Next I will go on to prove that black is white, and white is black. But I'm not going to go and try to invert a bunch of zerbras. I already know what happens when you do that :)

The only thing we could do, is speed up, or slow down time. Not all of it mind you, but just bits. I'm not sure if it could be stoped, but I'm certan that it could be slowed down enough that it might as well have stoped.

Pretty pointless though. What would be the benifit of such a thing? Hmm, there has to be one. I'm yet to figure it out though.

The smokeing section is now closed. I'm sitting on the couch now. Near a girl who's kina cute, but not my type. She's far too prepy. Hmm, I've yet to see her face though. Everything else seems ok. Now they are walking on the table. No worse than me. I've got my feet on the table. Using it as an otoman. (how do you spell that?)

Then I've got this girl sitting across from me. Well, two actualy. Very cute. Short hair, nice sized breasts. I've got platochan takeing pictures of me. I feel like a porn star! Do you feel like a porn star? If you had platochan takeing pictures of you, you sure would! Thang the gods that I can touch type quickely otherwise I'd be missing lots, and lots of keys. But hey.

I can even do HTML without looking! Haha, I'm trying to look sexy. But I'm not sure if it's working well or not. I've got my sexy iBook all spralled out. I'm all spralled out. Maby I'm just trying to get the attention of the cute girls across from me who arn't paying any attention at all. They seem lost in thier own world.

Should I spell own as 0wn from now on? That would be silly. Hmm, I can't smoke up here. This is depressing.

At least the cute girls continue to sit across from me. Makes for something easy on the eyes to look at while I type. Hmm, platochan must have taken over a hundred pictures of my by now.

Before the target of his camera where a couple cute girls in back. In the 'study room'. A room that nobody ever actualy studys in, but it's labled that anyway to make people feel good.

Arn't things like that silly. Hmm, is arn't a word? I have no idea at all.