I wake up at about 10:00pm, wander around a bit. Rewire my LAN, then do some cleaning. Finaly it comes time to get some food. After packing up all my electronic goodies I walk out the door.

I expected the cold, not the snow. Lots of snow, it covers everything. I have a bit of trouble getting in my car. The door handle is obsufcated due to all the snow. Sitting down, I turn the key. Nothing but white.

A few seconds with the wipers on clears that up. Turn the lights on, and leave. Hmm, can't see very well. Drive up a curb, then realize why. My lights where covered in snow! Heh, after that's cleared off things are much better.

Walking into the truck stop, one of my favorite waits is here. She already knows what I want. Heh, so nice to not have to bother with a menu :) She had already set my table before I walked in the door. The same table I sit at every time.

Coffee, and a burger.

The place is dead, the wait and I chat for a while about this. Apparently she hasn't slept in far too long. She prays for a few more people to show up. Hmm, carefull what you wish for, you just might get it.

Not long after a large group of people come in. Being about 1:00am, this is normal. Though this crowd is not the normal one. Thier was some sort of 'game' today. No clue what kind though. I know that nebraska played, and some other state that uses the color purple. Hmm, the purple team won.

I'm still trying to figure out what game they where playing. Heh, I would feel sorry for them if they had to do it in the snow. Hehe, cold!

For the last hour this place has been packed. Makes me feel kina bad for sitting here for so many hours. But it's not filled up to the point that thier are no tables free. That makes me feel at least a little better about the situation.

I also can't decide if it's cold enough for me to keep my jacket on, or warm enough to take it off. Niether seems to work quite so well. Why don't these places have personal heaters?

Some police have shown up. Strange to see them sitting here with all these semi drunk people. Thier guns, and badges held with pride. Hmm, pride.

I would like to point out that the election still hasn't been settled yet. Hmm, if they would have used computers to take the vote... like they should in the first place! Hmm, if they would have, the answer would have been known the instant the last person voted. But, no. They have to do it the hard way. Pen, and paper. They have to cut down trees in order to decide who's going to rape our country next. How sad this world is.

Thier is an image that still goes through my head. That one begger who had on Nikes. makes me really wonder where our heads are. I'm pretty sure at this point of the answer. Right up our asses.

Oh, I also need to get some food after I'm done here. Nothing left in my cubbords to eat. hmm, some frozen bread. Not much. I'll probably just end up getting some TV dinners or something. Cheap, and easy.

I've become lazy with time. If I can't prepare it in less than 2 min, then I don't want to bother with it. Heh, same with computers. If it doesn't just work, I've got little interest in fucking with it. I do enough of that at work.

I'm also thinking about getting an AirPort for the office. Heh, it would be so usefull! Heh, 300$ for the ability to wander around the office, and not have to find a plug. I think it would be worth the trouble.

While on that topic, I've been AirPort enabled for several days now. It's the only way to fly! Hmm, I don't know how I delt with being tied down before. If I have to take a dump, I can just take my laptop with me. If I go out to get the mail, I take it with me. Also, bath time no longer means lack of internet access! Heh, though I still fear droping my iBook in the tub.

Well, that's it for tonnite. Need food, and maby some more cloths.