In this file I'm going to talk about two main points. Nipples, or the lack of them. Then Lynsdey. Enjoy ;)

Oh, I should also say that I'm sorry for writeing about all that monkey love stuff. That stuff is so very wrong. Ok. That's all I need there ;)

One of the guys at work gave me another CD full of music videos, and a few other assorted things. Quite tasty. Most of all the one that features Amichan. Mmm, but while watching the video I noticed something odd.

She hasn't got any nipples! No, I'm serious here. None at all. Her breasts are just as featureless as a baloon. Hmm, far better shape, but no danm nipple. How in the hell are you supposto nibble on something that's not there?

Aside from that, what if she has kids? She's never going to breast feed due to this problem. Hmm, and isn't it normal to discharge fluid from the nipples on occasion? Would that not cause all sorts of pain?

Then I remember that she's just a girl from the show sailor moon. Anime, nothing more than an artists work. Danmit, I want her! Life is just so unfair.

Hmm, if I ever get stuck inside a computer, then I can have her. Or someone with her body ;) That might actualy make me happy for a change. Though I'd have to edit the body a bit. She needs nipples. I wouldn't have it any other way.

We then move on to the girl I met at the coffeehouse two weeks ago. Wonderfull girl. Though a bit scary. Hmm, no. Just dark. I think it's mostly because she's a psyc major.

I got some pictures of her! Heh, kina silly how they where aquired, but oh well. She's here working on some sort of schoolwork. Heh, that's one thing I don't miss.

She had me fill out a survey. No, more than that. It came out to be more of a psyc eval. She claims that it's for class, but I have my suspicions. You can never be so trusting in a world like this.

For all I know, she plans on stalking me. Hmm, actualy that wouldn't be so bad. I've never had a stalker before, I think it would be kina cool. At least till whoever it was decided that they wanted to keep me all for themselves.

Thier's only one way to do that. Yep, murder. After that, you have to stuff them. Maby hang them up on the wall, or set them on your couch. Or like this one guy I know. Keep them in the closet. (guests tend to get curious about stuffed people).

But for no logical reason, she doesn't seem like the person who would be interested in taxadermy. It wouldn't fit my observations of her.

The speaker in my iBook is going out. Danmit, now I'm going to have to gut her, and replace it. Hmm, getting real apple parts would be pretty expensive. But I don't want to fry the motherboard with something else.

I'm sure some of the spare parts I've got laying around would work. Hmm, I do hae half a dozen dead laptops. Hmm, but only one powerbook. Heck, I can probably make it sound better than it did when it was new.

It's just the bit about getting her appart. That's going to involve lots of messy bits. Peeling her skin off, and makeing sure to save all the screws. Hmm, I don't cherish the idea.

It was slow today. Earl and I spent a bit too much time shooting the shit. But at least everything got done. At least.

I don't work next sunday. Yay, that means I actualy get a whole nights rest! The last couple days I've not got much sleep at all. I just lay there, and stare at the celing. It sucks.

Last night I got to bed at about midnight (super early). Then I woke up at 4:00am for no reason. And couldn't get back to sleep. I just laid there for several hours when I should have been sleeping. Danmit!

Why does sleep not want to 0wn me when I need it to? Yesh. It's enough to make me want to take sleeping pills. Hmm, that would be bad. I already use far too much caffene to say awake during the day. The other would only compound my problem.

I found out a couple more things about OSX. If you edit /System/Library/StartupItems/ you can edit the rc scripts. I have no idea why the hid them like that. At least Ami doesn't take 10 min to boot now.

Also, if you remove the files that arn't needed from applications, you can save quite a bit of HD space.*.lproj. Note that you need whatever is native for your install. (I think)

Then the final bit. IE has memory leaks. Yah, who would have guessed? But these are serious. If you don't quit it every hour or so, it will take up all your ram, and swap. Talk about the ultimate DoS attack. Heh, hopefully they fix that soon.

I also need to get more ram. That would make OSX much faster. As it stands now after booting, I don't swap. But after I've got ten IE windows open, and the reset of my programs, I've got about 300 megs swaped out.

That's crazy. You would think they would have been more concerned with memory usage.

The guy with big hair who isn't elvis is here again. Hmm. All I ahve to say about him, is that he's not elvis. Damit!

I should go, so that I don't fall asleap while driving home.