It opens up in a deli type place. You see some of the tables with people at them, but only about 1/3 of the place. Most of the people in the place are 'older', not realy old, but definitly starting to get grey hair. The camera sits there for a moment, takeing this all in, then changes to a diffrent view.

Looking at a table with two males sitting at it. One of the guys is slighly overweight (jack) , and looks like he hasn't shaved in quite a while. The other is skinny as a beanpole (sam), and looks kina 'out there', and a bit rough (hasn't shaved in a day or two). The two are sitting at opposite sides of a table, drinking expensive coffee.

Jack: How did you pay for our lunch?

Sam: Some dude on the net was pissing me off hardcore, so I ganked his Credit card number, then made a major deposit into my account.

Jack: I'm suprized they haven't caught on yet, you do this sort of thing often enough.

Sam: Dude, thier like total idiots, plus I never do any of this in my real name. How lame do you think I am?

Jack: Just checking.

Sam: Oh, like tell me about this new girl ya met over the net (smile)

Jack: She's just a girl from england, and she can actualy carry on an intelegent conversation.

Sam: Did ya cyber with her yet?

Jack: (stern) Unlike you, I don't have this compelling need to satisfy my sexual urges with every female I happen to come into contact with!

Sam: Dude, Chill, I was jokeing!

Jack: It's hard to tell whey your serious...(sips coffee)

Sam: Oh, yah. Did I tell you about this girl 'Amanda' I met last night?!

Jack: Finaly get one that's not underage?

Sam: (blank stare)

Jack: Did you at least try?

Sam: Well, she's almost 18 (grin), and she's only like 500 miles away!

Jack: The last one you said that about was 15...

Sam: Come on dude, I mean it this time!

Jack: Shure, I belive you.

Sam: She's pretty cool man, like she even wants me to visit her (smile)

Jack: Why doesn't she just visit you?

Sam: (nervous) She don't have a car.

Jack: (excited) Aha!

Jack: How are you going to get there anyway? Not like you have a car?

Sam: Dude! That still hurts!

Jack: Feel the burn.

Sam: Oh, dude, like did you hear about the new version of windows that like just came out?

Jack: Yah, Windows 2000, supposto be pretty good. Enhanced security and more stable.

Sam: It's a pile of horseshit, and I wana freaking destroy it!

Jack: How?

Sam: A super virus!

Jack: (scratches head), how are you gona pull that off?

Sam: I'm gona hack thier server, and make thier website infect the lameoids computers!

Jack: Haha! They'll catch you in a heartbeat.

Sam: Yer right dude, if it wasn't for you, I'd be in jail now (weak smile).

Jack: Somebody has to watch out for you, wana take off?

Sam: (finishes coffee quickly) Yah man, lets skip this joint.

The scene fades to black.

When the scene comes back up where in a totaly diffrent set. Trippy background music plays in the background, and you see Sam smokeing a joint. He's just standing in the middle of his livingroom. With no shirt on. Totaly spaced out look on his face.

Thier is a knock on the door.

Sam just stands there, and takes another toke.

Jack busts inside, not even causing Sam to look around.

Jack: Put that down, I told you not to do that shit! (takes joint from Sam, and puts it out in an ashtray)

Sam: Dude, that was 20 bucks, you owe me man.

Jack: Shure, shure. So, how high are you?

Sam: (pause) I'm cool man.

Jack: How many fingers am I holding up? (holds up 3 fingers)

Sam: (jumps back at the fingers stuck in his face (but has a delayed reaction to it)) Woah!

Jack: Though so, your realy messed up. Maby I should just leave.

Sam: Nah, I'm good (a bit spaced out), Ya wana see what I got today?

Jack: What is it this time? Some new k-rad script?

Sam: Fuck no dude, it's an root account on one of the marines main servers.

Jack: How did you get this?

Sam: Just fucking around man, ya know, trying a couple passwords for shits and gigles, and the retard had password for a freaking how lame is that!?

Jack: That's pretty messed up man.

Sam: Oh, and dude, this computer rocks, like I can even change the defcon level with it!

Jack: Shure, shure...oh, hey wana see a new porn site I found?

Sam: Umm, ok.

The scene fades to black.

The scene comes back up with Jack sitting in a park, sitting at a picknick table.

Jack checks his watch, then lights a smoke.

Moments later, Sam walks up with skateboard in hand, and sits down as well.

Jack: About time you got here. (smile)

Sam: (shocked) I'm late

Jack: heh, sometimes I wonder about you.

Sam: Oh, dude, you have got to hear about this girl I met on IRC last night! She was wierd!

Jack: You calling somebody wierd...I'm scared.

Sam: Yah, she like wanted to cyber ya know. Pretty normal, but then she had this wierd thing for trying to stick her mouse in places that a mouse just doesn't belong.

Jack: (shakes head) Do I wanna know?

Sam: Prolly not, but she was freaking me out man, like she was all serious and stuff.

Jack: Must have been some girl then.

Sam: Yah, I fuckin nuked her ass! (evil grin)

Ok, this sucks, I've got good dialog going, and whatnot, but nothing is happening. I mean, it's just boring. Kina sick too. I think I'll quit while still ahead.

email me if you want me to actualy continue