Alone in the world, we somehow stumble thorugh. Every day is more entertaining than the last. Even though entertaining is not nessasarly a good thing.

One of the worst curses I can think of to bestow uppon someone you dislike, is to wish them a long, and interesting life. Long and reasonably uneventfull is much better of a wish for someone.

Work today was not one of the best days. Lots of really stupid users all decided to call at the same time. They should take some classes on it, or something! Fuck! I don’t know how many times I had to explain to them what the ‘desktop’ was. Or, “double click on ‘my computer’”. “What!?”. Yesh. It’s almost enough to drive me to head off on a major killing spree!

Onto better news, I upgraded the firmware in my iBook. It’s now running MacOS 9.0.4, and has the sleep memory extention loaded. That last one is key, thier was a bug that could on rare occasion cause the system to not boot after sleep. That fixes it.

I’m still getting a bit of gruff over my iBook at work. Or, as it’s more commonly refered to, my iPoop. Heh, it does look a bit like a toilet seat :) Oh well, no big deal. At least it performs well. It’s also much, much better than the old 486 laptop I was using prior.

I hope that memory shows up soon, it’s a big dogy with only 32 megs of ram. Just enough that I question if I really need to be running netscape or not.

I’m debating weither or not to get a USB floppy drive. Rarely do I use one, but when I need it, I need it. Also, then I don’t have to plug dodo back in when old assed Mac disks are needed.

More Bad Religion. I so want a crossbuster! Hmm, maby just a crossbuster sticker for the back of my truck. Yep, a big one. I love that logo...

Sometimes this is hard, I have to force myself to make the words come out. I belive the quialty digrades when that happens, this is one of those times.

I was talking to Donna today on ICQ, it’s a rare treat, I haven’t herd from her in such a long time. For all I knew, she just droped off the face of the earth. But as it turns out, she’s doing quite well. School starts soon, and as she put it “She’s ready as she ever will be”.

Ducttape, and Pitstops relationship is in a bit of a mess at the moment, I don’t think either of them know whats going on. Isn’t it supposto get better when you get older? They are around my parents age, yet from what I can tell might as well be in thier late teens. Oh well, ife goes on.

Why does life have to be like this? Too much trouble. But, in retrospect it may be a good thing. It gives me a chance to see how people interact in a way that I would otherwise not be able to do. As annoying as it is, it’s worth my time.

Yet I sit here at midnight, in a dirty diner playing with my new notebook computer. Not a care in the world, other than my battery not running out. But, that’s not much of a concern either. It’s all just one big mess. Life that is. A smile on the lips, and a hole in the head. Take it away, because thier is nothing to miss.

I’ve got this problem lately. Hmm, not lately, I’ve had it for quite some time. Constantly being on the verge of throwing up. No real reason, it’s just really annoying.

I wonder why they have mothballs in the latrine at the good chinese resturant in town. Handfull, after handfull in the urinels. It smells bad, but must be done for some reason. Though I’ve never figured it out. Maby it’s just tradition?

I’m going to go burn mp3s, later!