The title holds no meaning what so ever. Well a little. Understand that since I live on the internet I have seen everything. Almost, that is. I've never seen monkeys have sex.

Probably a few other things as well, but this one hung over me for some reason. Last time that happend I wanted to see a midget giving a guy a blowjob. Five min of google solved that problem. I couldn't belive how much midget porn there is out there.

Now back to the monkeys. I found lots of Ebony sites when searching for monkey sex. But no actual monkeys. (Ebony is black porn)

Another day when I'm bored, and in a strange mood I may find what I'm seeking. Till then my collection of anime porn will suffice.

I recently bought a book of limericks. Several thousand of them between a hard cover. The book was on sale, and it called to me. After picking it up, there was no way out. It had taken over.

I will try to refrain from spouting out things like the following when in public though...

There was once a couple named kelly
who lived there life belly to belly
because in thier haste
they used library paste
instead of petroliaum jelly

There was a young lad named durken
who was alwyse jerking his gerkin
his father said stop jerking your gerkin
your gerkin is for ferking not jerking

There was a man named eugine
who invented a screwing machine
concave or convex
it served either sex
and screwed itself in between

Sorry about that, I had to get it out of my system. All day at the office, with people on the phone. I wasn't able to recite more than a few.

I've become usto OSX now. Or at least I think so.

I saw something that intrests me when walking in here. A guy who must have weighd half a ton. His belly so large it hung well below his hips. I wonder if there was a big fold in there somewhere, or if it just came out that way.

It looked like his ass was in front due to this. It made me want to both puke, and do an autopsy. The human body intrests me, what can I say?

Sex also makes me curious. He was with a girl who wasn't much smaller than himself. It would be curious to see them have sex them have sex together. The act must defy several laws of phsycis.

It probably makes lots of funny mushing, and slapping sounds. Quite akin to slapping two baloons full of chicken fat aganst each other. The thought of it should bring anyone to thier knees with discust.

I bought a pack of cloves yesterday. With the current price of smokes, four dollars a pack doesn't seem all that much anymore. I only picked them up due to being near cliffs smoke shop. That was an accident in itself.

The parking garage I ususaly use was full to the hilt. Cars waiting in a line to get in, ignoring the sign that cleary states that it's not allowd. I wished to avoid getting into any sort of bother by this. So I parked in the parking garage near cliffs.

Not a bad idea in retrospect. It's located somewhere between the two coffeeshops downtown. The one I like, and the one that has public access internet terminals. Those are kina cool.

One day I will just plug my laptop directly into thier LAN, and have it for free. Plus not be required to use thier shity compaQ workstations.

Heh, silly boxes with some very cheap security software that doesn't work...

So far tonnite I've seen several girls wearing bagy pants. I'm not talking about kina bagy, or even wigga bagy. I'm talking about someone who just lost seven hundred pounds bagy.

There have to be bright sides to pants that large. You can fit two people in then, and still have room for a couple kids. Or, when you take them off, you can leave your shoes on.

I'm trying to decide the bonus that this would give though. Maby if you need to change pants in a hurry? Or, maby your feet smell so bad that you never take your shoes off? It's so hard to tell what goes through the head of people like this.

I'm again getting the life story from someone I don't know. Quite the story. A police officer almost escorted him out. Heh, it happens.

Oh, it's also daylight savings time. Know what that means? I get less darkness before I sleep. That danm lightbulb in the sky will burn longer than ususal. The sort of thing that causes me to set people on fire.

Well, I've never actualy set anyone on fire yet. But think it would be kina cool to be able to do so. A large flame thrower would do, then I could put them out right away with some liquid nitrogen.

Hmm, I work in six hours. Yum.

I need some cloarform...