Where do midgets live? I only see them once in a while, but ususaly in large groups. Do they have thier own neiborhoods?

Hmm, the questions I ask myself when sitting somewhere at one oclock in the morning. It would be enough to drive most mortals mad!

I don't know mutch about midgets, probably never will.

What I do know is the girl who seated me tonnite is *very* cute. She makes me want to (you know). But that will never happen, never. She's too much of a 'perfect' girl. Hmm, why do I find them cute? I will never have a chance with a girl of that type. Never.

Then we move onto the other type I like. Japanese girls. They tend to be a bit shorter than myself, this works out well. (note that I'm quite short) Plus they have wonderfull looking black hair, and brown eyes (all of them). Mmm, too bad you don't meet many of them here in Nebraska.

I found an interesting site recently. daveinjapan.com. Apparently some guy from Lincoln went to Japan to teach at a middle school. Wonderfull site, I highly recomend it to anyone.

The best part was pictures of the local food. There was a bag of sugar that was labled "Tasty, clean, safe". That's the sort of sugar I'd buy. Haha! Actualy from what I can tell on that site most everything has englesh lables. Too bad thier grammer is awfull. It makes for some very funny errors ;)

Aside from visiting Japan, I should visit a third world country. Doesn't matter much which one, as long as thier are exploited uneducated children. It would be more of a project to see how good of a job the US is doing.

The rolling blackouts have started again in cali. Hmm, pisses me off! The only reason to do such a thing is to excite the people. The people in cali are already crazy, they need no encouragement.

It's all the fault of the bloody tree huggers. They stop building power plants because they are bad for the enviorment or something. Then they breed like bunnies. What else do they expect to happen?

Lack of power for everybody. Since they are the tree huggers, and very politicaly correct we must do what they wish. Danmit all to hell, this is amerika. Why the hell can't they build more power plants? Come on, isn't mans goal to make the world too hostile for life?

That being said, when global warming starts going a bit faster were in for some fun. Did you know that cali is not very high above the ocean? Yep, they will be under water shortly. Hmm, only problem is what to do with all the natives. They sure as hell arn't moving into my neiborhood.

I guess we will have to deal with them like we delt with the indians. First we will kill most of them off, then give them 'special' reservations to live on. Danmit, we already gave them one! It's called cali.

At least there will be nothing lost. The only exports from there are bad morals. God danm free thinking bastards. Heh, actualy it's the excess that's the problem. They grab an idea and run, not actualy giving it any thought. This is why they have the problems they do.

According to my logs I'm starting to get some people reading my page on a regular basis. That's kina scary. I'm talking about return hits here. Maby they are just curious what a sick pervert like me is thinking about?

I've got two words for you. Double penatration!

You would not belive the shade of red the waits face turned when I asked her how to spell that. Heh, she was either telling the truth, and didn't know. Or she was too embaresed to think about it properly.

My guess would be the latter.

I've made my mac nosiy. It goes 'bing' when I open windows, and again when I close them. It also makes funky spring like sounds when I shade.

For those of you who don't use a Mac... When you shade a window it shrinks into the title bar. Kina like when you iconify a window under windows, but it lets you keep better track of where your windows are.

I may have to shut this off due to it being kina annoying at work. Heh, not to mention myself. But it's a great feedback. Subtle, and not too in the way.

Oh, if you ever stop in at IN for any reason, hug steve. No, I'm serious. You've not lived till he's held you in his arms! Now if only I could find a girl like him. Hehe.

Hmm, that's all I have to say about that. Lest I get into trouble ;)

I want to have a cellphone jammer. No, realy. Those things are so bloody annoying! I've got a guy sitting nearby chatting his head off on one. Worst part is that I can't hear the other side of the conversation. Hmm, no. I've got my headphones on, and can't hear his side of the converstaion.

I'm also trying to figure out what this other guy is doing. If I didn't know better, I'd suggest his brain was removed at birth. The answer is probably worse than that. After some thought I'd guess to say he sniffs glue, or paint. While both will get you 'high', they destroy your brain.

Remember grade school? Back when you would do art projects? That is the glue I'm talking about. It made you feel kina 'funny', and the teachers usualy made sure the windows where open. Yep. You where getting high! Haha, doesn't that just make you want to kill yourself?

I found another web comic today. Boy was it scary, but funny in a morbid way. Hmm, this is the sort of thing your kids should *not* be looking at. It would destroy what few morals the schools have left in them.

Hmm, web comics. Megatokyo has started moving along on the storyline again. Heh, it's been a while with that one. I've almost had dead piro days up to here (as he points to his head).

Then explotation now! Not much to say about that. It's panty shots, and no storyline. Well, it's actualy got a storyline. Rather twisted, and held together with bailing wire, but it's there.

I now know why wearable computers haven't caught on. Apparently it's the 'mark of the beast (tm)'. Seriously, I'm waiting till the .gov installs transmitters into every newborn. That way the know where we are at all times.

It would be a wonderfull thing in some ways. You'd no longer have to clock into work. They would know you where there! Only problem with this is that they would know where you where at all times. A double edged blade. Heh, everything is like that.

If that where to happen, you can guess what I'd do. Yep, figure a way to rip it out. Then I'd go about implanting it into some whale. Make them realy wonder, ya know?

But knowing the .gov, they would put it in some place where it would be unlikely to be removed. Somewhere in the brain? Maby the spine? That would deter me. Hmm, but a good EMPT pulse would probably disable it (and just make me crazy).

Would you buy a product called 'mark of the beast (tm)'? Hmm, maby it would sell just due to having such a strange name. Hard to tell till I try it. Oh, I still have to get around to makeing some t-shirts to sell here. I know my 'loyal' fans would glady wear them.

Please submit ideas for logos!

Here are some of my current ideas.

Yet again I get asked by someone the ususal question. They want to see my porn. Danmit, I need to wear a sign that says 'no porn'. Hmm, I wonder how that would work out? I could make it into a song. "I got no porn, got no porn". No, that would be a bad idea.

Hmm, I should have poped out the gay porn. Damit, why didn't I think of that? Oh, that's right. He was *far* bigger than I am, and sitting a bit too close. Yep, it could have backfired on me pretty badly.

Ben was right. He ususaly is.

Again thoughts move to the wait who seated me. Mmm, danm urges. Maby if I cut my balls off they would stop? So annoying IMHO.

No, god would see right through such a cheap trick as that. Well, they could have been pulled off in an accident. Well, not quite so accident... But, no. He'd see right through that also.

I'm still getting usto the genetic diversity of lincoln. So much diffrent from all the inbred fucks where I grew up. Thank the gods I'm not a native to there!

You would think that eventualy all people would look pretty much the same. You know, no more races. But that's never going to happen. When I say never, I mean it. People already hate each other for living on diffrent dry spots on this rock called earth. How do you think they interact when someone else who looks diffrent?

It goes like this...

"Your from a diffrent dry stop, I hate you, oh, and your skin is also a diffrent color. Hmm, and your not wearing shoes. I realy hate you now."

Yep, that's how it goes. I've seen it before...

Just think, you too can wear an xpurple.com shirt on your back. Help to show the world what a social devient I am (not to mention you for supporting me). Let the world know that you won't lie down without a fight!

It's more than that. It's about freedom. It's about every man, woman, and child hearing my word! I want global domination in the worst way, only you can help! How about it? You know you want to...

Maby it would work better if I gave out porn with the shirts? Hmm, then I'd have to be carefull about who I sold them to. The .gov hates when you give porn to minors. Heh, as if they couldn't get enough of it off the internet already!

Another one of my favorite things to pick on. These so called adult sites. Then the warez sites. They go hand in hand. A quick search on google for 'warez' will bring up lots of hits. None of them are usefull! They all link to other warez sites with nothing but links on them. Then the popup ads. All porn. Guess who's into warez? Yep, script kiddies. They tend to be about ten years old.

Makes you wonder where the target for these porn companys rests. Pretty simple. Destroy thier morals, and feed thier lust at an early age. That way you can have more clients than you would otherwise have, not to mention more perverted ones. They will take all the shit you sell them.

Pretty sick if you ask me.

I need some dew. I'm almost out. Know what that means? Yep, a trip to the local kwik shop. More so the one on 40th street. It's a terrible neiborhood, but ya gotta go where the stuff is.

Actualy, that one is just a little out of my way. In fact the only reason I go there is that one of my friends happens to have a job working there. He's a cool guy. You should meet him! Hmm, make sure to tell him you read that off xpurple.com. Oh, and visit his page while your at it. It's here

I feel like I'm going to die, better leave before I do.


'Mark of the beast (tm)' is a trademark of xpurple.com