In this file I'm going to cover bits about mashed potatos, chicken, and anime.

Then I plan on ranting a bit about work. Past there it could go anywhere. Oh, I do need to talk about translucent terminals for a while too. You will understand soon enough.

I'm at perkins. I got some lemon pepper chicken. Looks good sitting on the menu, and boy does it smell good. That's about it. Taste like shit. Picture takeing a handfull of pepper, and soaking it in lemon juice. That's what it's like.

I didn't enjoy it one bit. But since it had been a while since I last stuck stuff in my mouth, I decided to eat it anyway. On the bright side, it cleared my nasal pasages.

Just as a reminder, unless your very stuffed up, and can't taste anyway, and want your sinisus cleaned out. Do not under any circumstances order lemon pepper chicken.

Then we move on to the fidily bit involving the potatos. Mashed. They didn't have any. What I should have done when informed of this great travisty would have been to jump on the table, and scream. "You have no mashed potatos!? What kind of barbariens are you? Danmit, what kind of food do you have for an old man like me who hates to chew!?"

Yep, that's what I should have done. But I didn't. Instead I asked of they could replace that part of the meal with something else that involved tuberous plant material. They did, and it sucked. Perkins french fries suck, period.

Oh, the puppy dog face I put on for the server didn't help either. I get the impression that he thought I was hitting on him. Danmit, just because I carry a sexy iBook, and wear a powder blue jacket does *NOT* mean that I'm gay!

Anime, mostly the kind that's fun to watch. Slimey tenticals, and lots of pink. Yep, hentai ;) My personal favorite! So, I've got this series at home that I've been totaly ignoring. I was talking to one of the guys at work today who happens to have the same first, and middle name as myself. We talk about anime, mostly because he's cool.

I commended that he should see 'Momono Hunter Yohko'. He's never seen it. I noted that it contained very little in the way of plot, but had lots of nude scenes, and more than it's fair share of slimey tenticals.

These are two very important parts of anime. To be of high quality, anime must contain at least one of those items. Even if it's just a quick snap. That's enough.

Lets examine a few of my favorite animes, shall we?

Sailor Moon

Lots of sixteen year old girls running around in short skirts who get naked when they change into there batle uniforms. Not to mention lots of panty shots. Once in a while you even get some tenticals in there.


Hmm, no slimey tenticals. No nude shots either. But you have this girl who's a super hacker, and runs around in a bear suit a lot. Ok, for the point of my argument bear suits are just as good as slimey tenticals. Ne?

Maison Ikkoku

No tenticals here, but the panty shots more than make up the lack of them. Not to mention later on in the series where things get quite steamy. Or, in the middle where Godi-kun almost gets raped by a schoolgirl :)


No, I can't spell it. Fuck you. Not a single tentical here either, pitty. But lots of cute girls running around in skimpy outfits. Not to mention Kyoske's sisters. They are the best. Telepathic powers, and cute! What else can you ask for (other than some demon with tenticals to have thier way with one of them).

Video Girl Ai

More like video girl love slave if you ask me. Heh, nah. It's just cute. Only a few full frontal shots. Again a terrible pitty. Ai-chan is *so* cute! Trust me, you want her. Everybody does. Too bad she's not real.

Bubblegum Crisis

Well, it doesn't have any bubble gum. But it has more than enough slimey tenticals to make up for that! Yes, it's wonderfull. These very, very cute girls put on skin tight suits (they have to be naked to wear them) then fight evil robots who have gone crazy. The kicker is the monsters. Yep, some of them have silmey tenticals! Haha, almost a perfect anime!

Momono Yohko

This one is almost perfect. No plot to speak of, lots, and lots of slimey tenticals. Oh, and *two* very cute girls who spend a lot of time either naked, or wearing clothing so torn that they might as well be. Hmm, I should also point out that it has a bath scene. Mmm, yes! This anime even has far more panty shots than I think are healthy.

Metal Angel Marie

This one is missing the slimey tenticals, but is otherwise pretty good. Lots, and lots of panty shots. Even quite a few nude scenes. Hmm, and some lezbo action if I remember right. Sadly, they tried to give it a plot. It holds up for the first volume, but past there just louses it. Espicaly in the last volume. Brr!

Don't Leave Me Alone Daiji

Hella panty shots, but that's about it. Hmm, save for the mad scientist who's the main dude. Oh well, I don't think it was ment to be a hentai film. Danmit!

Multi Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku

Aside from the best girl being a cat it's good. Basicly no plot (all good hentai has no plot), and panty shots. Never saw any slimey tenticals, but I think all the ultra lazers make up for that. At least in this case.


Only hardcore ecchi fans need apply here. This is the big guns. You want perverted? Try this. It's got sex, it's got violence. But most of all, it's got a plot that will twist your mind. Another anime that has been messed up by the censors in the US though. The domestic version is missing most of the sex scenes. Something about them being a bit imoral? Who knows.

It's now time for intermission! Go grab a soda, or some coffee.

Feel better? Good, now your going to hear about translucent terminals.

This is why the gods made color screens. Hmm, that and viewing porn.

As you can see, there is now reason to have cool wallpaper again. When you have lots of windows open, you can't see it. But when you make the windows translucent like this, then you can! You get the best of both worlds. Plus, if you have a program behind the one your working on, you can still see what it's doing.

Almost perfect...

Work. Yah, fun stuff I tell you. It's been slow again. Danmit, it's like some people have lives or something. Yah, I don't get it either. Why the hell don't they spend every wakeing hour in front of thier computer? The silicon god! Danmit, that's what they where made for.

Not only that, but we need remote power cycle equipment in every town that we own. I'm sick and tired of calling people to do shit for me when there is no need to put up with this shit. Argh!

Hmm, oh and ben is beating me for calls. Danmit, that's *not* supposto happen. I am the call king. Though my score is double anyone elses, so my reign should hold for a while yet...

I should sleep. I have to go pay my taxes tommorow. Danm rapests, makeing me pay for things like keeping the roads up, and schools. Not to mention keeping crime off the streets.

On second thought, those are probably good things. Maby I shouldn't scream in german while counting out the money? Yah, I guess so...