One of these days I'm going to use up all the good titles. Ya know, the ones that are just cool. Not to mention realy fitting for a certian situation.

Oh, and I find myself trying to use ctl+h on the mac at work. Hehe, that doesn't work too well. I've had get usto doing it due to vim at work. It Has a problem with my keybinding for backspace for some odd reason. It's the the point I normaly use ctl+h. Then I get annoyed when it doesn't work for a program.

Sometimes I even have to hit ctl+m, when I realy wanted a linefeed. That's just odd.

At least I can do such things with no problem. I'm a wierd guy...

"What's his name?"

"Delma ratchi"

"Is that a good deal?"

"Yah, that's a good deal."

"All right, I just thought he was a fucking bitch."

"Make shure he holds onto that invoice. I don't want it just sitting there."

"Was he by friday, or saturday?"

"He fucking never showed up."


"Yah, and this other girl keeps fucking scamming me on paychecks. Thier have been so many, and I know god, I made more than that. I'm not a fucking seceratary. You dad won't let me take lunch. So, I have to eat while I'm driving. Ten to fifteen minuits. But, he complains. I should get a lunch."

"It just suprizes me your still working for him."

"You ever had hashbrowns here?"

"I can't eat them, they taste like poop."

"Oh, I think I got fucked on the lottery."

"Hmm, this movie starts in an hour."

"What about the other three?"

"How many people work at dillan tire?"

"I don't know for shure"

Then the conversation at the next table dies down, and they begin eating...

This conversation just happend to have the right tone to get me interested. And, was about the right speed to type to.

You want to be quoted on my page? Sit near me at the diner, and talk loudly enough. But, let me warn you. I will write down everything, with some changes to make it more interesting.

Today was busy, quite busy. But, a good kind of busy. Mostly. Cept for this one resturant chain that will remain nameless. Every one of there stores in our service area got hooked up to us. For some unfathomable reason, NT was installed on thier boxin. You do not let burger flipers use NT. It's just a bad idea.

Aside from that, we bought out another ISP. Hehe, we eat 'em for lunch. We'd buy out ispi, but they suck.

Yep, ispi. ispi. They suck, I hate 'em. They canned me. Not to mention that they don't even offer shell access. An ISP that doesn't give out a shell isn't worth much. Means you hafta bring your own.

Is thier a true unix?