kkatgtp, sort for 'Kill Kill at the .gov type people'. Another rant of sorts.

They did it to me again, they fucked me over. I was told that my liscense was fixed, then I went in to get it, and I was told that it was still suspended. I don't know what do to now. I made some more calls, and now everybody says it's still broke. WTF am I supposto do!? Kina makes it hard to get a job, when I can't drive anywhere. Makes it real hard. This is the noise that keeps me awake, my head explodes, and my body aches.

But, some other interesting events happend too, not that good, but I may be able to use them to my benifit. I had to go to the place where I went to HS (well, a bit anyway). Had to get a record that I was there, when I was born, and my SS number. Well, I got it, and it is WRONG!!!!!!!!! Totaly wrong. I was born on 7.4.1978. According to the school I was born 9.30.78. How could they make such a huge fuckup? Oh, yah the realy interesting (usefull?) part. They also say that my SS number is not what it realy is. It's off by a couple digits. I could write this up to a slight clerical error, but come on, this is pretty much all the info I need to get a drivers liscense. As if they messed with it for the sole reason of screwing me over. I'm going to give them a call. Well, the chaucked up the SS number thing as an typo. They are currently checking to verify that I was born when I say I was. Doesn't realy matter though. I can still use this all to my advantage. If I play my cards right anyway. But, I'm not going to talk about how, for it will ruin the suprize. If it works, cool I can drive again, but if not, all they can do is yell at me. I'm usto people yelling at me. I'm to the point of just not careing about it anymore, it still hurts, but not nearly as much as it usto. Oh well, life goes on.

Other random thoughts, found a mortorcycle, cheap. Am thinking very highly of getting it. But, first, I need to sell my truck. May do it tommorow. Who knows, but I have to get a good price for it. It's in pretty good condition now. After I fixed the problems that it had. Expensive problems. Well, only one realy expensive problem, and that was a bad transmision. Well, I stuck a new one in at considerable cost. I'm asking 1500$ for it, but would definitly love more. At that price, I will come out ahead with the deal, not by much, but enough to make me happy. And, that's realy all that matters. Though, I'm not shue if I can leagaly drive a mortorcycle either. Actualy, I don't think I can, but who's going to stop me? At this point, I have little faith (realy, none at all) in getting my drivers liscense back anytime soon. Oh well, maby I'll have to go with one of my other ideas, a small one man airplane. I don't need a liscense to fly it.

Still on hold.

I hate being on hold. And this one is realy bad, most places play nice music (or not so nice) while your on hold to tell you that you realy are still connected. Well, this place doesn't do that. It's kina annoying. All I can hear is a slight buzzing sound that is probably caused by all the RF in this room (lots of computers).

Hmm, what else to write. Nothing big has changed. Life is just like ususal. I wish I had some sort of earth shattering news to tell whoever actualy reads this stuff. For, it would make my life actualy seem worthwile. Oh, I figured out what is causing the buzzing sound. It has to do with the way the phone cables are run to the phone. After some thought about the subject, I figured it out. It's the sort of phenomin that is apt to cause a great deal of befutlement if you don't know about it. My first experence with such things, was while doing some video editing. I had a 40 foot RCA cable. It ran between a VCR, and a TV. The two devices where only about 3 feet apart, so it was nicely wraped up. This caused the image on the screen to look totay out of sync. The actualy cause, was the tiny bit of RF generaged by the signal going through the wire was apmlified by the way it was wound up. After I unwound it, and basicly made a mess of the cable, the image was normal again. Highly annoying.

I assume that the same sort of thing can happen with anything that carrys a signal through a wire. I know that looping the wire on a radio can have interesting effects on recption. But, this has to do with the donut theroy of reception. As soon as you start to bend the antena, you change the shape of the donut, streching it in places, and pinching it in others. If done right, you can vastly improve reception, but if done improperly, you can fuck yourself over. The J-loop anteana takes advantage of this phenonim to improve reception by about 10-15 miles. And, all it is, is a small curl about 1/3 the way up from the base. Course, the size of the curl depends on what frequency you want to listen to. So, these arn't very good for the average person. For most things people want to hear are on totaly diffrent spectrems. Though, I'm suprized it hasn't been implemented for use in car audio. The frequency range that radio stations re alowd to run on is not very big, and a j-loop would cover it pretty well. Hmm, maby that's an idea that I should try to sell to somebody. Might actualy be worth my time.

Oh, another note of intrest, I got to see my grades :( If you saw them, you would probably think 'this is xpurple, nah...he's better than that'. But the truth is, I didn't apply myself to it at all. I realy didn't care. Well, some classes I realy enjoyed. I'm going to include my HS grades, enjoy ;)

Courses-grade 7

Reading ISP        C  B
Social Studies ISP C  C
Into to foods      A-
English ISP        B  C
Music              B- B
Phys. ed.          B+ B
Math ISP           C  C
Science ISP        C  B
Art B

Courses-grade 8

Science            D  D-
Math               C  C
Home Ec.           B+
Art                B-
Reading            D  F
Social Studies     D  D-
Phys. Ed.          B+ B-
Music              B  B+
English ISP        B  B

Courses-grade 9
Phys. Ed.          D- F
Intro to Bisiness  C  C
Art I B
Computer Fund.     A- B
Reading            B-
Earth Science      C D-
Algebra I          D+ D-
English ISP        C  D

As you can see, I was far from a model student. Actualy did pretty lousy. Oh, and of note, all the classes with ISP in them ment that they where for specal students. Specal meaning the two groups they didn't know how to deal with. The total idiots that the teachers didn't want to deal with, and the other end of the bell curve. The ones who where too smart for thier own good. I like to think I fit into the second group.

Also, as a note of intrest, when I did get around to takeing my GED, the average score was around 95%. How's that compared to the above grades? I was impressed...but, it was so much easyer to just take a simple test, then have to endure the tourture of HS (I never realy liked all the socal interactions).

Final not of intrest on the topic. It also says that I went to upward bound ;) Upward bound is a specal program for gifted kids. Free collage level classes. I did pretty danm good there. The ironic part, is that only 50 people where selected to attend it every year, 50 people out of the four state area (NE,KS,MO,IA) So, somebody had to be impressed to accept me there.

Oh, apparently, the school has me listed under 3 diffrent socal security numbers. This is realy weird.

Whoops, stuck the file in the wrong place again. Well, got it fixed, so that's cool.

This whole situation makes me want to just curl up and die quietly. For, without being able to drive, what can I do? I can't complete most of my dreams. But, maby I still can, if I figure out a way around it. But that's extremely hopefull thinking. I wish I had somebody to chat with about it...would keep me from being stuck inside my head going over the same things over, and over again till I actualy become crazy. Well, it hasn't happend yet, so, I think that's good. I still know that I'm crazy. The moment I start doubting it is when I kow I'm in trouble.

This headphone cable is just a bit too short. Perfectly fine if I sit where I ususaly do, and don't move, but the moment I pull my head up more an a few inches, it makes a violent attempt to rip my ears off.

Is this payback for some of the realy rotten things I've done in my past? Nah, don't realy belive in the whole karma thing. I write it off as a bunch of random occurences that just kina happen to look like a conspericy. Well, if you are into the whole conspericy thing. I am, but only for the entertainment value. It's amazing what you can read into a bunch of random occurences.