Continuing with my new tradition of using spaces in my filenames (yes, very non-unix like) I present you you, the reader this file. Flame me if it makes you feel better.

Stuff broke today. Well, nothing with us really, the actual problem was in Kansas City. Stupid sprint/ I hate them, make them go away. 8+ hours of hell. Oh, and I got another tooth pulled.

The day starts off pretty well. I wake up, take a nice hot bath. Then head up to Lincoln to get a tooth pulled. That goes quick and with great pain. No big deal.

Not long after, I head to work (or, downstairs from the dentist). I still have like three hours till I clock on. I felt so useless. Sitting, playing on the Internet achieving little to nothing. Feeling bad that calls are coming in, and I can't answer (my mouth was full of gauze).

Finally I get on the clock. Yes! But, things have broken. Stupid things. I swear, every WebTV luser that has an account with us called in. Yarg! 'I can't connect!' 'Buy a real computer.'. Or, I would really have loved to say that anyway.

We even had one girl who uses WebTV call up to complain that she can't do her work now (she apparently works online). How!? She has a freaking WevTV unit! Those are such a joke. As far as I'm concerned, they are overpriced door stops.

About 200 logged calls (in reality, about 300). Logging is similar to data transfer. Too much of it, and their is packet loss. When we are swamped, we miss logging calls. Why make a 30 second conversation take twice as long just to log it? Their is really no benefit.

But, it happens. Ususialy I'm pretty good about logging calls though. Oh well.

My tooth (or, lack there of) hurts like hell. But, it will get better. It has to. The pain is actually much less that when the tooth was still there. The biggest problem, is the hole that's left. I have this great fear of getting some bit of food, or other bad thing stuck up there. Umm, that's just gross.

This is the first time I've been in the diner for about a week. Just have been way too busy with life. Things happen, and you have to deal with them, no big deal.

My new notebook is having some interesting problems. A couple strange total lockups. Even to the point I couldn't shut the screen off. Oh well, It doesn't have to last me that much longer. I'll have an iBook before I you know it. Those are so sexy. You know you want one. .eno tnaw uoy wonk uoY

I'm going to be living off of mushy foods for the next few days. I ponder using the blender to eat steak. So juicy you can drink it through a straw! They don't serve steak like that most places :)

This keyboard is really noisy. I think it's even more noisy that my mac at home. The people at the next table have finally started ignoring my continuous assault on it. Hmm, I wonder if this gives the computer some sort of pleasure. Kinda like that funny feeling you got as a kid climbing the ropes in gym class. Hehe, that's kina gross, but still funny.

I need to update my anime page at some point in time, since I've gotten some more anime. Great, killer stuff. Hehe, with a high maturity rating even (18+). But, really not that bad. Unless of course you are offended by seeing naked cartoon girls acting in odd ways. No actual sex. Just the innuendo of it. It's cool, and not porn like at all. Or, should I say, not tasteless porn like.

On the topic of porn. How does a guy get off sticking his dick up somebody's ass? I mean, that's a hole that has one reason, and only one reason to exist. To excrete a brown (ususialy) mushy substance (digested food). I think it would be really discussing to stick a dick up there. It would probably come out all covered in feces. Not to mention reeking to high heaven. Yuck!

Does your mail server allow you to relay? Most don't. It's just asking for spamers to abuse you, sexually. If you are a sysadmin, don't do it. Unless of course you, and your clients enjoy gross porn.

Ok, maby not sexually, but you know what I mean :)

I have no caps lock *shake*

I have no caps lock *shake*

I have no caps lock *shake*

What the hell is the point of having a caps lock key anyway? It's annoying, and causes lots of problems in life.

Due to the suck net connection today, I didn't suck down many mp3 files...