You know the internet is mainstream when people who live off of foodstamps populate it. Hell, most of these people would pay for thier access with foodtamps, if allowd. They don't get it, and never will. Not that it stops them.

I can't belive they can do anything with these computers. As inept as them seem to be when I talk to them.

"Do I right click, or left click?".

"Bitch, do whatever the fuck you want, it's not like your going to listen to me anyway."

"Oh, ok. Your so nice. The last guy told me to get a clue, then call back."

"Did you get one yet?"

"Walmart didn't have any in stock. All on backorder..."

"Yep, I know how that goes. May I suggest pulling your head out of your ass, and getting a job?"

"Nah, I'm not too good at work. Keep getting fired, ya know?"

"Yep, I understand completly. By the way, how did you afford a computer?"

"Foodstamps. Best buy takes 'em."

"Cool! I'll make shure to *NEVER* shop there again!"

"You don't get foodstamps?"

"No bitch, I work for a living. Helping retards like you to connect to the internet."

"You don't havta work you know...foodstamps are great."

"Bitch, If I didn't have a job, I'd need another outlet for my agression. Instead of makeing your lives misrable, I'd need to do something more drastic. Like actualy killing scum like you."

"Ohh, maby they would put you in jail? You could room with my dad, he's in cor raping me when I was 2."

"Fuck you!" *click

Then another one comes in...

"How can I help you?"

"I can't connect!!!"

"What's it doing?"

"It's not connecting!"

"Sir, calm down. What does it do when you try to connect?"

"Nothing! I turn it on, and it doesn't connect."

"Are you sitting in front of your compuer right now?"

"Yah, but it's off"

"Can you turn it on for me?"

"If I turn it on, it will try to connect, and I can't use it, and the phone at the same time!"

"Sir, I assure you that it will be ok."

"Umm, I still don't belive you, but shure..."

Long pause while his slow assed 386 running Windows 98 boots up...

"Sir, has it come up yet?"

"No, all I got is a bunch of icons on my screen."

"Sir, it's ready to use."

"Oh, now what do I do?"

"Take the mouse, and double click on the 'internet explorer' icon."

"Do you want me to right click?"

"No, I said double click you moron. When I say to double click, I mean you should use the left button. Get it right or die!"

"Don't talk to me like that! I'm pretty good with these things!"

"Shure you are, shure you are..."

"Ok, netscape's up."

"Umm... Ok, does it say 'connect to'?"

"Yah, it's never done that before."

"Type in your username/passwd combo now."

"Is that like my name?"

"No, that's your username, or login. If you don't know what that don't deserve to be on the internet."

"I told you to stop doing that. I know how to use this thing. My brother who works at the local slaughterhouse told me how good it is."

"Your brother is a moron too...must run in the family"

"Ok, so what do I do now?"

"Push the button that says 'connect' Duh!"


A click is heard on the line.

"It says thier is no dialtone."

"Hang up the phone, and if you have any problems don't bother calling me back. I don't want to deal with you anymore. Oh, and I removed all the kiddie porn from your mailbox. *evil laugh*"

"NO!" *click*

I hate users like that. They suck. Ironicly enough, it's most of them. If you don't like my opinion fuck off.

More white trash enteres the diner. These people must not know about birth ontrol. Heh, makes me want to get a gun ;) Hmm, but that would be too much trouble. Not to mention probably get me into trouble. The .gov dislikes thier favorite subjects being killed in mass.

It works out well though. Many of them get drug habbits, and die. Thustly lowering thier relitave population. Granted due to thier lack of control in the pelvic region...a new generation will shurely follow anyway.

Living in fear of them finding out who I realy am. The one who wants them all to die. Nazi death camps would work well. Quite efficent. Also kina fun. Takeing potshots at the slower ones. The ones who are too lazy to do any real work. Make examples out of them. Thier lives contribuite nothing to the whole anyway. No real loss.

I'm going to stop before I get myself shot.