I have reached rock bottom. I can't get girls to pay attention to me, so I've put myself up on www.hotornot.com.

This is a webpage where you get to rate people from one to ten. I've seen people that make me wish there where negative numbers. Actualy most of them.

But why you ask? I was very bored, and wanted to know how I'd actualy rate. I'm a 3.2 if you want to know. Yep, not all that good looking, but not requireing a negative number. At least they gave me that much.

This didn't solve my problem of being bored for long so I had to do other things. Namely signing up for thier 'meet me' service. Yah, xpurple might actualy get a date!

I looked at all the pictures of people from nebraska (all five of them). Only two where worth any of my time. One girl at the university, and another girl who's about to go.

Kina scary the other freaks. But oh well, this is nebraska. Hehe, the most inbred place on gods green earth. (well, second to parts of the south). I would not attempt to breed with anyone who looked like a native to here.

Today was fun. Slow, but steady. The account manager was more interested in shooting the shit than actualy doing anything. That's cool with me, things are pretty well caught up.

I did a training session for the new guy. He's cool, but will take a bit more training. Hehe, and he still has to get usto the evil sun keyboards :)

Oh, and beatrice broke. Not all of it mind you, but enough. Argh, and that's the town I have to go home to! No internet access would realy suck, espicaly since tommorow is a day off.

I will enjoy tommorow. Sleep till four in the afternoon. Oh, so nice :) Past there not much. I might head up to lincoln for some coffee. It's not like DeWitt is a very interesting place at all.

Five hundred people in the town. Mostly old ladies. Hmm, speaking of old ladies. I would appear to be the talk of many a bridge club due to work. Hehe, all these old ladies with even older macs.

Well, no. Thier macs could not be older than them. Apple's only been putting them out since 1984. Wow, has it been that long? That's sixteen years!

Too bad MacOS hasn't changed much since then. You would think that in that much time they would have something better? This weekend it comes. It's going to blow the doors off anything before.

They have tried this before, but never with success. Ususaly they wanted to change far too much at once. This will be diffrent. While it's totaly diffrent, it's still going to run the older software.

But it's not a new OS. It's NeXT. If you remember, after Steve Jobs was fired from Apple he started NeXT. They sold these cute little computers that where basicly macs. Except they ran thier own breed of unix. Yep, unix.

Ever since Steve came back to Apple things have been changing. For the better? Who knows, but it's most entertaining. IHMO it's a very good move.

Now we will actualy have protected memory! Hehe, PC users love to tease us for that. Hell, were just as stable as they are, and they actualy have it. LOL!

This is going to be diffrent though. Never before has a mainstream platform actualy embraced unix! Well, not on the consumer end anyway. I wonder how well the command line will be hidden?

OS X (said as 'OS ten') in all reality is just NeXTstep with a facelift. Nothing new at all. Even it's base is from the 70's. Haha, but it's a good base.

Time for some photoshop magic!