I got OSX a few days ago. You can't belive the how wonderfull this is! It makes me want to get down, and make love ;) Well, no. It more makes me want to hug, and kiss my laptop. Yes, that's it. Hmm, am I realy this twisted?

The answer is yes.

I don't even use classic anymore. Well, for photoshop, but that's it. Everything else I've found a replacement for now. How good that feels. Classic takes far, far too long to load. Almost as long as it would take to boot normaly.

I seriously want to hurt people right now. I like largo's idea of being able to just set them on fire. But as he said, it would make a mess. Hmm, maby that would instill the fear in thier hearts that is deserved?

Who knows. There is a reason why I don't show up at the same places every day. I don't think that I want to know people anymore. I see how stupid they are, and just don't want to deal with them on a personal level.

That would probably be called crazy in this world. I'm quite antisocial, but I'm such a nice guy that nobody notices. One day when I have world domination they will see. I'll make them pay for what they have done. Muhahah!

I'm quite serious about this world domination thing. You know how much you want to be part of it. Your desire to be one of my henchmen is overwelming. Speak with me now. "I want to join, I want to join."

Just say that over and over, till you actualy belive it. They will put you away ;) Yep, get you out of my way. Bloody idiots!

One by one, you all fall down. People will destroy themselves just fine without my direct intervention. I have no pitty. Neither should you.

Remember that client I was talking about in a previous file? Yep, the one who's house I actualy had to go to? I felt sorry for him, so I'm going to stop by his place tommorow as well. Danmit, users are kina like puppys, you can't help but feel sorry for thier lack of brain power.

This one is very much the same as the rest. Granted not all of them are like this. Just like little dogs, you need to get rid of a few. I talked to one of those today. (well, probably several, but this one stands out).

He calls up because he can't configure his computer to get on the internet. No big deal, lots of people have that sort of problem. He was diffrent. He could almost read, and sorta follow directions.

The hardest part was putting his email address, and mail servers in. He kept trying to use uname2inebraskadotcom for his email. Then for the mail servers, maildotinebraskadotcom. You can imagine how well that went over with me. Took me half an hour to get him online. He should have his balls cut off.

Or the lady I talked to yesterday. Her reading skills where less than that of your average second grader. Too bad her personality didn't match. It would be more akin to that of your average two year old. You can picture the fun this was dealing with her.

To top it all off, she spent a lot of time yelling at her dog, and then kids. One of the kids said "Mom, is we gonna get that internet chatroom thing?". I almost threw up.

Back to the dog. For some unknown reason the dog unpluged the computer on me. Twice! The first time we had just started, so it wasn't a major issue. The second time I was just a few clicks away from freedom. I wanted to set the dog on fire (and the lady).

I calmly told her that she had to fix the computer, or dog so this wouldn't happen again, and then she could call me back. Half an hour later she called back. I feel for ben since he got her.

I knew it was the same old bag, ben had his head on the desk. You could tell he was about to either cry, or kill. I knew that if I talked to her again, she would have realized my true self.

This is a reminded for all you morons out there. Don't breed!

Speaking of that, we had some more oleson fun today. One of the guys who we know kina, well, umm, got him fired from his current job. Not to mention that, kicked off his current ISP. Yep, we are evil, but have no love for idiots.

It came down to this, it's hard to belive that that script kiddie would have even tried to go aganst us. Haha, but he's now fallin on the battlefield. You should see some of those flames that where sent his way. He isn't so good at comeback ;)

Oh well, life goes on, and this lusers stupidty is forever remembered now that I've written it down. maby one day he will find it? Some day when he's old and gray? (if he's not been killed first)

What do people want out of life? I mean, realy. Do you know what you want? I doubt it. It's human nature to continue to need more. No matter how much you have, your never satisfied.

I love my computer, she's all I realy need. Sadly though, most people arn't ready to forgit the pleasures of the flesh. The flesh is nothing without the mind. You don't need it (the flesh that is). In the end it will only slow you down.

I expect to be able to shed this cursed flesh soon. In a couple decades I fully expect that to happen. Would you do it though? Think about what it would mean to never be hungry, tired, or sore. Never having to eat, shit, or breath. That's the ultimate future.

I also think being dead would be an interesting change. What would it be like? That's the question I ask you.

Is it how people see it, with heavans, and hells? Or is it just nothing at all? It could also be something entirely diffrent. There is no way to know till it's tried. Too bad nobody has died, and explained the outcome later. Maby one day.

The real question, is if we do, or do not have souls. I'm still not sure what to think on that matter. If you have one, then how do you rationaly explain it's origin? If not, they what makes us what we are? It's hard to belive that were just a collection of electric pulses. Hmm, not that hard if your a computer geek.

Mike is back, yay! I missed him. He went to texas due to his mother dying. I hope this trend doesn't continue. This will be the second family member of an IN worker that has died recently. No, I don't belive it's 'them'. Not this time anyway.

It's me thier after, not the other guys. Danm cheese eating fools. When will they learn?

As I said before, I'm now runing MacOS X. You can't imagine how sweet it is till you've tried it. The interface is as good, if not better than Steve Jobs said it would be. Though it is a little pokey.

Then we get to the truth. It looks like a cartoon. I doubt anyone will take it serious till they've tried it. It's the future of the mac.

Aside from that, it's unix! With this base, you can do most anything. My trusty terminal window is back. Now I can type in obscure commands like 'cat /etc/passwd | grep :Dave | wc -l' to see how many lusers on my system have the name dave. Isn't that power?

With any other system, you would have to do all sorts of mucking about to figure that out. Or, say you wanted to find out how many words where in a paper you wrote? 'cat file.txt | wc' would do the trick. Hmm, you could just do 'wc file.txt', but it's no fun without a few pipes.

Yet again, I'm at a resturant when bar rush hits. I still have a hard time beliving how many people are both ugly, and stupid. Far too many of them if you what my opinion.

Being ugly has nothing to do with what I think of a person. It just affects thier chances of me breeding with them. But being stupid, I don't even want to talk to them, let alone breed.

What is it with black people, and black pretenders and the term 'dog'? They call thier friends dogs. "I be chillin wit muh dogs bitch, iz be in da crib later" Or, "Me and muh dogs is goin ta cap dem honkys". What is this!?

If someone called me one of his 'dogs', I'd probably deck him. "What the hell are you talking about?" would be a valid response. Maby it's due to inbreeding? Or, it could have something to do with sex with animals? It's so hard to tell these days.

The term nigga I can actualy understand. Take a hurtfull term, and make it one of love. But the whole dog thing still confuses me. It makes me want to set people on fire.

I wonder what these people do for a living. I'm also glad I'm not doing it. I met a guy today who does nothing but wash out trailers. That would be such a sad job. No chalenge other than for the body. I know people who spend thier lives carrying having objects from one place to another. That's no way to live.

Time to go home, I have to be up early tommorow.