The Art of getting yelled at and more

Yep, it's that time of day again. Where you go to work, and half the calls are realy nice people who are just clueless, but want your help. Not to mention that they are willing to actualy let you help them.

Then...Then thier is the other half. The people who think you've screwed them over personaly. They realy want help, but they go about it the wrong way. Yelling, and acusing. Trying to bend your words. It's a nightmare. But the key is to stay calm, and relaxed. Help them as best you can, and know when to say 'NO'. Be forcefull in what you say, but don't agravate them. They do that enough on thier own.

Case in point, this lady calls up to say she doesn't owe us any money. Hmm, my records show her with a balance of 19.95 or some other pitiful ammount like that. Heh, big deal. But, no...she realy thinks it is. Every bit of information that she gives me I can prove wrong with her file. She's just not willing to accept that. She wouldn't stop till she got her way. Almost. When she called, she was angry, as soon as I confirmed that she realy did owe us money, she began to yell. Thank god the phones have volume controls :) As if yelling was going to realy help her. All it did was annoy me, and want me to terminate the call. Heh, but I can't just hang up on a customer (can I?). Either way it's a moot point. I just stay calm, and tell her the facts. This angers her more, makes her scream more. I think she wanted to make me to break down crying, and just give her a clean record. Hehe, I'm not that easy :) I email accounts to check on this, to make shure everything's right. Tell her that it's all I can do. Then, just before it's over, she says "And I'm not fucking paying you!" *click*. Heh, ok, fine with me. We'll just sick collections on your ass bitch. Evil nasty bitch.

Oh, yes I forgot to log off of falcon when I left today. Hehe, at least the guys on duity where nice enough to take care of that for me :)

Speaking of work...heh...I got a backup of some random junk burnt last night. Stuff that's been sitting on my notebook just takeing up space...but too usefull to actualy delete. Fought, and fought to get it on bluejay. But it eventaly go there...luckely I removed my porn & warez before anybody inportant noticed ;)

Porn & warez...hehe...adam got excited when I almost filled the HD on eagle...and when I commented to steve about it today he was quite cool with it. Just like 'ok'. It's not like it broke anything :)

And, yes I did pretty much camp out at work last night...well, till close anyway. It's so nice to have such speedy internet's just...umm...addictive.

Oh, mike hired a new member of the family today. This is a wierd one too. She never worked at best buy, nor hung out in #nebraska on effnet. Oh, and did I mention she's a girl? Yep, the real thing. Oh...almost forgot...she's not named adam, or steve either :) Actualy I don't have a clue what her name is...but I'm pretty shure its not one of the above two...that would just be realy wierd.

She starts tommorow, and we where told to *not* touch her. Heh, what does mike think we are? A bunch of horny guys that never get laid? Hmm...he has a point. Now that I think about it...I kina fear for her soul...if ya know what I mean. Not a problem though, the guys at work are sex starved...but nice guys. I trust them almost fully. Enough to leave my terminal unlocked while away smokeing anyway :) Hell, I even gave one of them my root passwd once.

Things will work out fine, I'm shure of it. That's the way it tends to work when you just keep going. Keep stiving to do more. It's quite cool. Just remember to keep your head about you...oh, and don't fuck 6 year olds...bad for the karma.

Time for me to wander off home, and have a 'social life' outside of work...or something like that.