The fucking mailserver broke god danm it! Pisses me off, I go to work, and my entire day goes like this.

"Yep, the mail server is broke, get over it. Bye!"

That's about the extent of it, picture that phone call over several hundred times a day. Fuck it. Why are they so pissed. So they can't send thier fucking letter to thier mom about the house catching on fire. Do I care? That's their problem. It's not as if we actualy pretend to be reliable or anything.

Our offical standpoint on this sort of thing goes something like this. Our service will work from time to time, but it will probably be a lot more than that. Why can't they just get over it!?

Stupid clients. But they are my lifeblood. Danmit!

That was probably the most interesting thing that happend to me today. Why is my life so boring!? Danmit, I need some sort of social life ;) Hmm, no. If I had one, I'd have no idea what to do with it. I'd probably break it.

Listening to fast music probably doesn't help me to calm down either. Heh, I don't think I have much else. Hehe, I'm a twisted pervert. I get paid to be nice to people who I hate all day, so when I go home, I've got something in the way of an excuse to be a bit pissy to just about everybody.

Don't you wish you had a job like that? Your luckey you don't. It sucks. Heh, but it's all mine. My own personel hell! Yah!

At least I have a cute laptop to help me get through the day. Oh how I love ami, probably the most important girl in my life right now. Too bad she can't *fully* return my love. Hmm, maby with the right USB attachments? Hehe!!!!!

I need to get to sleep at some point in time, but don't feel like it. My mind is running at 180kph, and my body just doesn't care anymore. One of these days things will fall appart, but not today. Not tommorow, at least that's what I keep telling myself anyway. Yep, yep.

Then there was the guy who tried to pawn one of his kids off on me. He calls up, with the kid screaming about something in the next room. She might as well have been in his lap. It made the call go just so well. Danmit. Danm screaming kids, she needed a nice belt to her rear end. Teach her to not yell when a tech is on the phone.