Is the end uppon us? With all the terorist action today it's hard to tell.

First, lets start offf with how my day has gone. That makes a nice intro for today's other events.

Last night I get off work early, head to my car, and find it's not working. Sure, it's fixable, but not right then. End up crashing at a friends house, and get a ride back in the morning. Yell at a mechanic to fix it (1/3 the cost of the car). And head to the office (on foot).

Get there, and learn that is down for no apparent reason. On, I notice that two large airplanes have tried to land inside the world trade center. Joy of all joys.

Another one hit the pentagon, more doing other things, lots missing. I don't know what to belive at this point in time. Most of the news sites are too busy to be usefull.

I can't stream audio, or video. Thustly my outlets for info are pretty limited (AM raido to the rescue!).

Is this the start of world war III? Just some sort of freak terorist event? Or could it be the cover for something even deeper? My bet is on the last option.

This is america, the rest of the world hates us for thier various reasons, be it opression, slavery (yes we still do that), murder, or worse. I can name about a dozen countrys (with enough weapons to be dangerous) that want a bite out of us.

I highly doubt it's anyone from the middle east. We are thier income, they would be idiots to cut us off like that (unless they just ran out of oil or something).

China sure hates us, but they still live in the stone age, and are of little concern.

Russia is a third world nation as well, sure they have bombs, but that's about it.

I think we are dealing with something far more hanious. Something that should instill fear in the hearts of children at night (as well as adults). But not the kind of fear that keeps you from thinking.

Just keep your eyes open, and your gun ready. Who knows what will happen next.

Also note that this is why I live in nebraska, we get very little action here. That's the way I like it, or at least now that I've become a silly old man.

Well, time to head off, and see what other carnage was caused while sitting here eating.

Oh, today is 9.11.01 Look at it just month/day 9.11 (how's that for ironic?)