As you might have noticed by now my truck is working. Almost...

It needs a bit more in the way of repairs, but that can be delt with at a later time. For now she runs, though still a bit warm. I just hope I don't get stuck in traffic for too long. I'd hate to not have something to drive again.

So, I get my car working, what's the first thing I do? Well, other than learn to drive again, and fuel up?


What else would someone do? Yep, I walked around for about an hour and laughed a lot. They sell HP's there. Bloody excuse for a computer if you ask me.

Not to mention musical selection. My actual reason for going to walmart in the first place was to get a haircut, some soda, and maby a CD.

It didn't work out quite that way. Only the first two steps where done. I was looking through the selection of CD's, and decided that they where all shit. Sure, there where a couple I wouldn't mind having in my collection. But really? Paying 15$ for a disc that I only want one track off of? Insane.

The more I kept looking, the more I wondered what the point was. I napster, so the act of buying music for highly inflated prices unless I really want it just doesn't go over with me.

Also, as I noticed from the selection I've come to a few conclusions.

They want you to listen to the top few bands. Whoever they are.

I've yet to decide why that is, and who gets to pick who's going to be the one. But it's blatently obvious that somewhere, in some dark room we have a couple guys who decide what our kids are going to listen to.

They remove the most interesting bands.

They where missing several bands that are actualy good. After asking a manager about this, I was brushed off as a lunitic. It's as if they want to turn this country into a bunch of brainless consumers.

Oh, wait. That's exactly what they are doing. Bloody insane.

That's exactly what we need, isn't it? A bunch of mindless drones who do nothing unless it's 'cool'. Another good example is the 'scooter'. That's nothing but a joke. Someone up high wanted to make some money. Nothing more. So, the market it as if it where actualy cool, or popular.

You saw it on TV, it must be the truth!

Or, that's what they would have you belive. People only say things for thier own personal gain. Espicaly when in positions of power, or good public view. It comes down to how much they get paid to say whatever they are saying.

It's a nasty racket. I want out, but thier is nowhere else to go! Every place on earth is the same. When we finaly get around to living in space, or other planets things won't change. It's just the way people are. I hate it.

But I can't say that I'm exempt from this evil plan. Far from it in fact, you get sucked into the machine from birth, and thier is no way out. Expected to follow the rules, or you get locked up. If not literaly in a metal cage, in a more perverse way.

People can be cruel. When they exclude they make sure you know you are being excuded. Just in case you might have forgoten. Makes me want to skin them alive.

Onto other matters...

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I feel like shit. I've felt this way for months, and it's just gotten worse as time goes on. I can't hold down food very well, and I tire easily.

The latter probably has something to do with me not being able to hold down food. Oh, and I am also having some trouble with focus.

If I didn't know better, I would think I was either going to die, or was going insane. Not crazy mind you. I already know I'm crazy.

In another place a war is under way. A classic Mac vs. PC on the iBook list I'm on. What a way to ruin a day. It seems to be a problem between a couple of users. I'm not sure who I am more annoyed at though. The guy who started it, or the ones who are keeping it going.

Remember that this is the internet. It's a war of the mind. At times it seems that a severe beating would be more humane. Just what we need, direct links into each others deepest thoughts. Being able to talk in real time to people in other lands.

No good will come of this.

For the most part things are good, a free exchange of usefull information. But when wars occur it breaks down the good that was done. Causes users to get so upset about the situation that they go elsewhere. Never really trusting again.

If you look at the internet as one big global community, you are dead wrong. It's far more twisted than that. And you thought raceism was bad. Try being a Mac guy in a windows chat room. You won't get out without getting chewed out by many people. Even the other way.

It doesn't matter if it's that classic example, or not. Gamers have the same problems. Even open source freaks. It would seem that everyone has a group that hates them. These groups band together, if nothing else out of fear.

It's exactly the same as real life. But it's not so easy online. You can't see your best friend. Are who they say they are? Or are they a wolf in sheep's clothing? Online for the sole purpose of causing a muck of things?

Many people live for that. Ever heard of PK? Player Killers. They seem to live for online gameing. But with a twist. Instead of playing the game, they kill other players. It's considered quite rude depending on the game.

"Nobody knows what's fun, and why."

That pretty much sums it all up right there. Some people are just twisted.

Part of the problem is that life is good. It's far too easy, people are forced to make up problems. Make up excused to hate. Since they seem to like doing it so much.

If only this wern't the case. I'd be out of a job. Fuck, you can't get your email? Who cares? I need to go hunt down some food.

I still don't know what to think of my new male roomie. Feelings are mixed. What gets me the most involved a Macintosh Classic.

I needed a hand getting it open (due to not having a mac cracker). So, with some of his tools, we poped it open. He was taken aback by the contents. "That's got a TV tube in it!?". I still can't fathom what he expected to be behind the screen.

I'm tired from running around today. I'm going to go home, and sleep like the dead. Hopefully I don't join them.

Speaking of dead. I'd like to ammend my will. If I happen to join the boys upstairs someone must take care of something. Keep up, and the way it is for the rest of time. Or, at least the closest that can be come to it. I'd be happy with a couple hundred years.