They happen, everything ends. I don't understand the point to life. Maby someone can explain things to me a bit? Hmm, maby not. I somehow don' think that anybody else understands either.

All that I want is a silicon girl with silicon lips, and silicon hair. So come into my silicon world. Silicon lips, and silicon hair! Caus all that I want is a silicon world.

I've gotten into a new band recnely. Eiffel 65, quite strange, but good. Techo, and british. Heh, as far as I'm concerned, china is still british. I have no idea why they deny this fact!

I guess it's just the way they are....

I want to click, to click into your heart. A hyperlink to go inside you. A sexual browser from here to the end, a newsgroup. Don't need a modem to connect to your mind. No search engine to find you. A hyperlink to go inside you.

Deep down, deep down, da de da da do.

As you can probably see, I'm a bit hooked on this band. Quite skilled, and it's all been run through a computer ;) Heh, normal voices don't sound like this. Hmm, maby later I'll decide to put some of thier best stuff up in mp3.

It's not like you can just napster it anymore. Danm whores! Why did they hve to sell out? Just because they where being sued seven ways from sunday...

The two in front of me where high on something that caused them to see 'odd' things that didn't exist. Probably LSD. Hmm, where would they get such a thing in a place like this? Heh, from a banker no doubt.

Yes, bankers are the biggest drug dealers ever! Who else has the cash to start up a dealing biz? Well, they don't actualy have the money themselves, but spend *your* money to buy drugs.

Doesn't that just make you feel good about your life's savings? Haha! You, a good moral person is helping to deliver crack to children! Yes! Yes!

One of the waits is kina cute. She's eyeing me a *lot*, and seems a bit flustered since I came in. Hmm, maby it had something to do with all the bowing when she gave me a spoon for my coffee? Nah, most people just write me off as a loonie when I do that.

Though I bow a *lot*. Hmm, maby it has something to do with my outfit? I'm trying very hard to look like a mad scientist. (No, not a sicenceoligest) Hair going every which way (done on purpose), white shirt, jeans, and a bio-hazard logo (huge) on tomoyo (my IBM thinkpad).

I think it's working. I've already had a few people call me professor. This could be usefull in my plans for world domination. Though why stop there? Why rest untill then entiere universe is mine?!

I've put a lot of thought into that recently. I think I could actualy do it. Though I would need some help. So I want to get some loyal members to my team. Of course they will be paid well. Not to mention get a lot of sex (why you control the world, anything can be yours).

Plus from all the hentai games I've played recently it would appear that japanese school girls give it up pretty easy. No, I can't base reality on a romantic simulation! Though it's very tempting...

A ba de a ba di, a ba de a ba di...

If only that song would stop running through my head I'd be able to think! Hmm, if I would take it out of my playlist that would be more likely to happen.

And, yes. I'm flirting the issue. I don't want to think about it at all. Once you know, you will understand why.

One of the games pat gave me is called '3 sisters'. Sounds inocent (well, no not at all). It started out as such anyway. I was playing it in a resturant. First hour was quite thrilling. A very dark mystery.

Then it happend. I walked into a room, and found two people screwing on a desk. How annoying! I couldn't close my laptop fast enough. Eventualy I got usto all the screwing. The oldest sister wanted sex, I declined. She didn't seem too upset about it.

Get a bit farther into the game, and the little sister (17) gets *very* excited, and I cave in. No biggie. Though Emi (the middle sister who I'm supposto be in love with) was a bit upset. That gets shrugged off, and she gets me in bed.

Fast forward to the end of the game. I lost! Danmit! Or, maby I won. I'm not quite sure. Though there is a bug in the game. One of the sisters told me to go to hell because I slept with all three of them. Huh? Wait a second... I only slept with two of them!

I shall report this terible bug to the authors of the game, sakarusoft. You would think that they would have playtested this game a bit more. Hmm, or am I the only one who doesn't like sleeping with *everyone*?

All in all a good game though. It provided me with several hours of fun. Even if it was 16 color porn. Heh.

Mmm, more coffee. Just what I need! One of these days I'm going to die of caffene overdose. Trust me, I could drink that much coffee in one sitting.

Phwee! Some aaron carter in my playlist. Crazy stuff. This song is called 'my internet girl'. Hmm, too bad it's not that good. Not to mention only the first min of the song. Maby it gets better?

Probably not. Love songs sung by a kid who's balls haven't even dropped yet. He almost sounds like a girl. Oh well, kina entertaining anyway. Also as a note, I never intend to buy any CD's put out by him. I'll just rip it from the network. It's my personal way of getting even.

He probably gets more sex than I do. This is a truely sad state of affairs.

I wish I could fast forward with winAMP. Well, I can but it crashes the computer. I'm on a P150, and it doesn't have MMX. A very annoying feature on the newer intel chips. Makes it so you *have* to upgrade.

Forced upgrades piss me off. This thing is fast enough to do full screen video at 1024x768x16bpp, why can't I change the time index of a song?

Yes, I know. It's because I have a 200$ laptop. Though it's all worth it ;)

I much prefer the way the macintosh handles menus. They are at the top of the screen, not the top of the window. Much easyer to get to them. You just throw your mouse, and you're there. With windows you have to actualy aim very carefully.

I find the wait flirting with me again. Kina cute. Though she's a bit over my target weight (40-50kg). Hmm, but it's going to be very hard to find someone who fits that target weight here in the US. It's a curse from watching far too much anime.

You want my curse? I'll gladly give it to you, right along with my bad habbits. All of them! You can have them. I'll take yours in trade, they can't be nearly as annoying. (unless of course you are into screwing animals that arn't of your own species (some things are just wrong))

All that I want is a silicon girl, silicon lips, and silicon hair. Cause all that I want is a silicon girl, silicon lips, and silicon hair. Sha la la la la. Come live in my digitial world.

Silicon retreat!

Some female officer just walked in, and sat by the waits. Now she's makeing fun of me! How unfair life is. Hmm, if that's my only problem I should shut up.

Hmm, I don't have complaints. I have major psycotic eposodes. Some things just make me want to sneak into people's houses, and slice them into little bits. Some days more than others.

I think today is one of those days...

I've almost hit 8k, haven't done that in a while. I've been too busy with work, and haven't realy had anything major to complain about. Well, other than the fact that tate keeps eating my candy, but I'll get over that eventualy. If only I got something in return ;)

I hope you realize that I'm jokeing.

I would not want anything like that to happen. It would be a bit strange to say the least. Not to mention how would the guys at work look at me? I'm not that type of guy, I assure you of this.

Now if he has a sister thier may be some hope.

Pat has a sister, but I don't think she would be interested. Justin has one, but she's 14. Damit, though she does fit into my ideal weight. Plus she sells girl scout cookies! *shakes head*, life is so not fair.

Again the police officer pokes fun at me. Though it was good clean fun. So, for revenge I made a funny face at her. Phwee! Also at the waitress. It seemed only fitting since she was laughing also.

Yes, I say Phwee a lot now. Bite me, it's fun! Phwee! Phwee! Phwee!

I need more coffee! I've only had three pots so far. It's not enough! I'm not ready to pass out yet. Hmm, maby I can attract one of the waits?

It worked.

I still can't stop playing this song. It's so addictive! I think I would pass up sex to listen to this song. Hmm, of course I would. Anyone would!

Ok, maby not a catholic preacher. But they are a bit strange. Perky breasts. Not bad, though a bit lower than they should be. Kina saging a bit. But still perky. I'm not quite sure how that works. I'd like to get her to remove certan articles of clothing to see.

On second thought this would be a very bad place to do that. I think the police officer would complain a bit.

I want to click, a click to your heart! Deep down, deep down. Da de da da. Da de de do da. Da de de da de. Deep down, deep down. Da da da de do.

Danm, she's about to leave. If I've got any chance of figuring out how that works I need to make my move now. Hmm, not going to happen though. Public place, police officer, and I'm a socialy inept geek who could only get a date with the help of some cloraform.

That must say something about society. It sucks, life sucks, get over it and die.

This laptop gets very hot. I'm thinking about putting in a fan. I've got a spare laptop fan laying around. It may actualy help. Though I'm a bit woried about putting it in. I don't want to fry the motherboard, even if it was cheap.

I've ranted along long enough now about pointless things, and think it's time to get down to the matter at hand.

My grandmother died yesterday at about 2:00am.

There is not much that can be said about this. She's not been doing well lately, and it was fully expected to happen any day.

My mother, and father went up to oma to be with her. A bit later my sister joined them. Sadly I had prior obligations, and was unable to be there. It wouldn't have mattered anyway though.

She had altzimers, and some sort of infection (the cause of death). The brain damage just made it so she didn't know who anyone was, including herself.

It was a very sad thing to watch. In all reality she died over a year ago. Or at least she wasn't grandma anymore, but instead someone else. Someone I've never met. She just happend to have my grandma's body.

The funeral will probably occur on thrusday of this week. Speaking of that, it's good that my mother was able to see some humor in the situation.

First off, when they where getting asked questions for the obituary. The guy started by asking simple questions, then moved on to more difficult ones like "What was her name?". This took about an hour to properly resolve.

You see, she was maried several times. Then after she was done with going through guys (they all died), she flip flopped through thier last names. This went on for quite some time.

Thustly there was a lot of talk about how her name should be listed. She also moved around quite a bit, and some people would only realize who she was by the name they knew her by at the time.

So, they put *all* the names! Heh, but I think it was the most gracefull way to handle the situation.

Finaly we move on to the cremation. Or, not that so much, but picking out the casket that she would be cremated in.

There where quite a few options to choose frome, a simple cardboard box (though highly reinforced), a nicer cardboard box, and then real caskets. Needless to say the cardboard box was about 80$, and the cheapest 'real' casket was over 1000$.

There was a lot of talk about this. The logic being that she would be in a very tastefull urn, and the casket would not matter. Then there was the other side of it. Touchy feely. It would be more respectfull to have her in something a bit better than a cardboard box.

It was said that she would have complained a lot about wasteing money on something that was extravagent (she was a tightwad). The kind of person who would save every bread bag that came into the house, but rarely use them for anything (hmm, no, never).

My mother, and her sister came to the obvious decision. The cheap cardboard box. It's not like it matters anyway. Not realy anyway.

I've already talked to my boss about getting some time off from work so that I can attend the funeral, and he was very sympathetic to my plight. I'll probably end up tradeing shifts with someone. Hmm, I'm already hurting for hours this pay period.

Oh well. Hmm, I should probably take off. I'm probably annoying the help. Hitting my keyboard almost 14000 times. Goodnight.