It's night, and I'm out and about. Not that far from home, but far enough to give me some sort of peace.

It's realy hard for me to truely be far from home, considering how I look at home. Home is where I happen to be at the time sorta. Home is where you hang the hat. And, I ususaly hang my hat on my head. Makes life much easyer to think about it that way.

Why did I leave the house? The answer is hard to tell. It sometimes gets old staying in the house so much. Not that I mind being there. But after a while, you get a feeling like thier's nothing to do. Bordem sets in. Sad when that happens. that's when I leave for a bit. To get a breath of fresh air, or strech my legs.

I need to work on some things. Have got to get them done. I don't nessasarly want to do them, but it's nessasary.

On the way here, I had a major scare. I was driving down some lonely gravel road when suddenly I hear one of the officers yell out "Hey, see that pickup truck with expired plates, I wana know who he is." Scared the hell out of me, even though it shouldn't have. I was out of thier jurisdiction. Then the apb comes back on the guys plates. Turned out to be a grey toyota. Not my red dodge ;)

Thank the gods for small favors.

I need to either crack this software, or register it. The warning messages are getting pretty annoying.

Not that I suggest to anyone to use pirated software, I'm in a specal situation. I'm poor, and probably couldn't afford it in the first place. Hmm, the music here is driving me nuts. Depressing country music...eww.

The anticipated food finaly arives. Nice and hot, must let it sit for a bit before realy getting into it.

Sitting alone at a truckstop, noticing people look over at me from time to time. Makes me wonder why they do it. Am I that interesting to look at? It's pretty wierd.

Contray to myself, I finaly watched the movie 'you've got mail'. Turned out to be a good romantic comidy. But, I had my reasons for not wanting to see it. Silly as they where. Just because all of the refrences to AOL, as if it was the only internet service providor that existed. Quite frankly, it's more of a huge BBS with a door to the ineternet than anything else. Pretty scary.

The movie left some things to be desired. The opening was a bit abrupt, it didn't do a very good job of explaining the charecters backgrounds right away. Or, more acurately, how they met. Not to mention that I expected the ending to be a bit more drawn out. Not as abrupt as it was. A couple more lines of dialog would have been enough for me.

Some drunks just made thier way in here. How annoying. I wonder how these people breed. They are so unatractive. They go out for the reason of getting people of the oposite sex. Make fools of themselves. It's quite silly.

One of them just looked at my scanner, and said "That's the biggest danm antena I've ever seen on a cellular before".

The real question now is how much longer to loiter here. The battery in my scanner is going dead. this depressed me. I had so much hoped to listen to the police, and chill at the T. it's got some time left on it though. Enoug at least for me to finish my smoke.

Some older woman is looking at me like "who are you?". It wouldn't be so bad, if she wasn't hunched over her plate like an animal trying to protect it. She's very insecure.

Some of the crowd has left, but not all. The more annoying few are still here. Not so much as annoying, but loud. Very loud. And the prior group didn't even leave a freaking tip. How annoying of them.

Here comes some inside joke that I don't get.

Are you nude?

Why would you ask such a thing?

What's your phone number?

Your drunk, I'm not telling you.

Call me, here's my number.

I'll think about it.

Ok, so what are you upto this evening?

Nothing, nothing at all, especaly with the likes of you.