As it turns out, my roomate and I have become quite addicted to ebay. It has many wonderous things to offer. Too many wonderous things to offer.

We've spent way too much money on it. Buying pointless things. Not bad, just pointless.

So far, I've got a set of hashi, A CD, and some realy pointless SailorMoon towls. I can almost rationolize some of this, but not all. The hashi are for eating. I lost my hello kitty ones last summer. The CD is something I've wanted for a *long* time. Now, the towls. I have no idea why I bought those (other than they where *REALY* cheap). I'm going to send one of them along to delphi..she likes Sailor Moon paraphinila ;) Actuay, that's one of the reasons I bought them. If I get off my ass, and find a blank tape, I'll include some anime as well. At least I haven't placed any bids for about a week now. So, I'm doing ok...but, as I speak, ebays main page is loading on tty3. Hope I don't do anything realy stupid.

My roomate has purchaced some stuff, I don't know how much exactly. Today he recived one of the packages. It was supposto be a sword. Well, turns out it wasn't. In the box was a crossbow, a very cool knife (I want it), and a little, tiny knife. He was not happy. But, at least he could see the humor in it.

A very nice, but bitchy letter was sent to the person he bought the stuff from complaining that somehow, somewhere the order got messed up. Hopefully it's recived in good spirits.

I tryed to sell some various items on ebay. It didn't work. They need a 'valid' credit card from me. Sucks, I don't own a credit card. So, I can't sell on there. Oh well.

It's superfical progress.
They call it liberation.
With opiates of silicon
big brother schemes to rule the nation
where one nation under god
we stand above the rest
with mighty high technoligy
we're never second best
our specality is infiltration!
so pack your bags you third world nation
Victory through domination
the trepidatins throngs all
fear the big eye in the sky
the govenrment observes them
with thier own electric eye
automations, illiterations
and indiigents of every shape and size
don't stop but aid this cruel crusade
participate in thier own demise
in thir own demise
prepare yourself for subjugation
victory through domination